Connections Mar 2023 SC
可持续交易 Sustainable Transactions 福祉 Wellbeing #Sustainability 绿色金融框架重新命名 为可持续金融框架 , 并将适用范畴延伸至 恒隆集团 The scope of the updated Green Finance Framework has been renamed and extended to include our parent company, Hang Lung Group 上海恒隆广场及上海港汇恒隆广场荣获能源及环境 设计先锋奖( LEED ) V4.0 运营和维护(既有建筑) 基准下的铂金级认证 。 上海恒隆广场更成为内地 首个运营阶段的 LEED V4.0 运营和维护(既有建筑) 和 WELL V2 核心铂金级认证物业 ( 注 : 有关资料截至 2023 年 1 月 15 日 , 撷取自 LEED 及 WELL 的官方网站 ) Plaza 66 and Grand Gateway 66 in Shanghai received LEED Platinum cerifications under the LEED V4.0 Existing Building: Operations and Maintenance (LEED V4.0 EB: O+M) rating system. Plaza 66 is also the first operating property in mainland China to receive platinum ratings for both LEED V4.0 EB: O+M and WELL V2 Core certifications (Remark: The information is based on the result announced on the LEED and WELL official websites as of January 15, 2023) 香港及内地 19 个物业荣获 《 WELL 健康──安全评价》 19 properties across Hong Kong and mainland China achieved WELL Health-Safety Rating 恒隆“她领航”计划第二场沪港对话于 3 月 首度以线下线上相结合的形式同步举行 , 并邀请了李乐诗博士和祁恬田女士担任 嘉宾 , 分享可持续发展的大趋势 、 自身 经历 , 以及如何在日常生活中践行可持续 发展的理念 The second Inspirational Talk of Hang Lung Future Women Leaders Program was held in hybrid mode, both offline and online simultaneously, for the first time in March. Dr. Rebecca Lee Lok Sze and Ms. Qi Tiantian were invited to share the megatrends in the field of sustainability, and also their personal experience of leading a sustainable life 15 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y
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