Connections Mar 2023 SC
目 录 C O N T E N T S 总 编辑 : 李晞彤 副编辑 : 林丹媛 姚碧丹 版权所有Ⓒ 2023 恒隆地产有限公司集团传讯部 , 香港中环德辅道中 4 号 , 渣打银行大厦 28 楼 《连系恒隆》是由恒隆地产集团传讯部出版 , 恒隆地产保留其所有内容之版权 。 如欲转载或 引用本刊内容 , 请在复制内容中注明出处 。 Chief Editor: Helen Lee Associate Editors: Phoebe Lam Kate Yao Copyright©2023 by Corporate Communications Department, Hang Lung Properties Limited, 28/F Standard Chartered Bank Building, 4 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Connections is published by the Corporate Communications Department at Hang Lung Properties Limited. Reproduction of any contents of this publication requires proper acknowledgment. 专 题 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y 3 后疫情新常态下的领航者— 行政总裁卢韦柏 : “秉持我们的核心策略 , 于今年再创高峰” Leadership in the Post Pandemic New Normal: “Adhere to Our Core Strategies and Forge Ahead to Reach New Heights in 2023,” says CEO Weber Lo 恒 隆 脉 搏 H L P U L S E 6 迎接新常态 把握无限机遇 Embracing the Next Normal to Seize Boundless Opportunities 7 行政裁总大奖 2022 CEO Award 2022 8 尽管经营环境具挑战 恒隆内地租赁收入 以人民币计值仍录增长 Hang Lung’s Mainland Rental Revenue Records Growth in RMB Terms Amid Challenging Operating Environment 9 上海港汇恒隆广场创造社区共享价值 Grand Gateway 66 Creates Shared Value for the Community 10 展现城市风采 Reflections of the Essence of the City 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E 12 非凡岁月 与公司共同成长 Extraordinary Years of Service Instrumental to the Company’s Growth 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 14 恒隆加快步伐 实践可持续发展目标 Hang Lung Gathers Pace to Advance Our Sustainability Agenda 16 福 祉 W E L L B E I N G 2022 年恒隆义工“疫”境再创高峰 延续“关爱共融”精神 2022 Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team Demonstrates the Spirit of Caring during COVID-19 Pandemic 17 恒隆数学奖 : 培养数学人才新生代 Hang Lung Mathematics Awards Empowering the Next Generation of Math Talent 18 奖 项 与 荣 誉 A W A R D S A N D H O N O R S
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