Connections Mar 2023 SC

恒 隆地产公布 2022 年度的业绩 , 总收入 达到港币 103.47 亿元 , 与 2021 年 持平 , 股东应占基本纯利为港币 41.99 亿元 。 去年 , 传染力极强的 Omicron 变异病毒株 在香港和内地多个城市肆虐 , 令营运环境 极具挑战 。 然而 , 恒隆的内地租赁收入以 人民币计值仍然录得 1% 轻微增长至人民币 57.90 亿元 , 上海及沈阳以外的高端商场收入 按年提升 6% 至 52% , 大幅抵销该两个城市的 商场因疫情停业的影响 , 反映恒隆物业地域 多元化的策略及“以客为尊”的服务理念取得 成效 。 内地优质办公楼组合的表现突出 , 收入按年 增长 11% 至人民币 11.10 亿元 , 升幅主要由 近年在无锡 、 昆明和武汉落成的办公楼 租出率上升所带动 , 为公司带来强韧稳定 收入 。 香港方面则由于租出率控制得宜 , 整体租赁收入录得港币 32.79 亿元 。 凭藉优质物业组合及独特的市场定位 , 恒隆 必定可把握市场复苏带来的机遇 。 尽管经营环境具挑战  恒隆内地租赁收入以人民币计值仍录增长 Hang Lung’s Mainland Rental Revenue Records Growth in RMB Terms Amid Challenging Operating Environment H ang Lung Properties announced its financial results for 2022. The total revenue in 2022 stayed flat against 2021 at HK$10,347 million, while underlying net profit attributable to shareholders was HK$4,199 million. Despite the challenging business environment precipitated by the outbreak of the highly contagious Omicron variant in Hong Kong and various Mainland cities, our Mainland rental revenue edged up by 1% in RMB terms, reaching RMB5,790 million. The business suspension at the malls caused by COVID-19 in Shanghai and Shenyang was largely compensated by solid improvement in the performance of the malls outside of these two cities, with revenue advancing by a range of 6% to 52% year-on-year. This reflected the effectiveness of our geographical diversification strategy and our focus on customer- centricity. The quality office portfolio was a bright spot, recording 11% of revenue growth year-on-year to RMB1,110 million, mainly driven by an increase in occupancy rates of the younger office towers in Wuxi, Kunming, and Wuhan. Occupancy was well managed in Hong Kong, with overall rental revenue recorded at HK$3,279 million. We are confident that the distinctive market positioning of our quality portfolio will put us in the best position to capture pent-up demand once the market starts to pick up. #WeDoItWell 8 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 03 2023 恒 隆 脉 搏 H L P U L S E