Connections Mar 2023 SC
上海港汇恒隆广场创造社区共享价值 Grand Gateway 66 Creates Shared Value for the Community #UniqueBrandedExperience #Sustainability 上 海港汇恒隆广场在去年圣诞节与迪士尼中 国合作 , 打造首个“ Pixar Fluffy Festival ” 毛毛狂欢圣诞主题活动 , 将人气皮克斯角色的 毛绒玩具装饰商场每一角落 , 为顾客制造独特 打卡体验 。 在活动完结后 , 商场将用作装饰的 毛绒玩具回收及严格消毒 , 同时邀请“恒隆会” 会员在明信片上写下祝福字句 , 再一并将心意 转赠予山西一地的留守儿童 , 为顾客创造社区 共享节日暖意的价值之余 , 亦赋予毛绒玩具新 生 。 上海港汇恒隆广场亦凭此活动获得“行政总 裁大奖 2022 ”的“特别嘉许奖” 。 上海港汇恒隆广场联同内地慈善机构 , 将“ Pixar Fluffy Festival ”毛毛 狂欢圣诞主题活动中所使用的毛绒玩具 , 经严格消毒及包装后进行捐赠 Grand Gateway 66 in Shanghai, together with Mainland charities, donated the fluffy toys used in the “Pixar Fluffy Festival” Xmas Campaign after strict disinfection and packaging 毛绒玩具和由“恒隆会”会员亲手写上祝福字句的明信片 , 为留 守儿童带来冬日温暖 Fluffy toys and the postcards written by HOUSE 66 members brought winter warmth to underprivileged children G rand Gateway 66 in Shanghai, cooperated with Disney China last Christmas to launch the first themed “Pixar Fluffy Festival” event with fluffy toys decorating the mall for customers to check-in and take photos. After the event, the fluffy toys used as decorations were given a second life after strict disinfection and packaging. With greetings specially penned by HOUSE 66 members on postcards, the toys were donated to underprivileged children in Shanxi, as a way for customers to share the festive joy and warmth of the season with the wider community. This initiative also won the Special Mention Award at the CEO Award 2022. 9 恒 隆 脉 搏 H L P U L S E
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