Connections Mar 2023 TC
陳金城(前排左三)服務恒隆 40 年,是公司其中一位資深員工 Chan Kam Shing (front row, 3 rd from left) has served Hang Lung for 40 years and is one of the Company's longest-serving employees 非凡歲月 與公司共同成長 Extraordinary Years of Service Instrumental to the Company’s Growth 每 一位恒隆人都是助力公司向前的推手。 今年,公司向 173 位員工頒發長期 服務獎,嘉許各位員工的盡忠竭誠, 無私奉獻。《連繫恒隆》邀請了其中四位獲獎員工 與我們分享服務公司的點滴。 E very colleague’s contribution is instrumental to Hang Lung’s growth. The Company presented the Long Service Award to 173 employees in recognition of their loyalty and selfless devotion this year. Connections invited four of the awardees to share their stories with us. 12 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 03 2023 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E
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