Connections Mar 2023 TC

#HangLungPeople #CareAboutPeople 陳金城 (城師傅) Chan Kam Shing (Master Shing) 香港業務部,服務年期: 40 年 Hong Kong Business Operation, Year of Service: 40 「城師傅」是公司其中一位資深員工。在恒隆 度過了青年盛年壯年時期,對他來說,穩定和 愉快的工作環境是關鍵,因為這讓他可以「負起 對家庭的承擔,並給予子女優良的教育。」 “Master Shing” is one of the Company’s longest- serving employees. After spending his prime years at Hang Lung, a stable and happy work environment is key for him because it allows him to “take responsibility for his family and give his children a good education.” 香港業務部,服務年期: 20 年 Hong Kong Business Operation, Year of Service: 20 阿根負責保安監督工作,他說,公司與時並進, 提供不同培訓課程,致力保障員工、租戶及社區 的安全;同時,公司以身作則實踐「以人為本」 的理念,「在新冠疫情初期,防疫物資短缺, 公司張羅防疫物資給前線人員及其家人,令人 感動。」 Kan said that Hang Lung has offered timely training courses to ensure the safety of its staff, tenants and the communities. Hang Lung also puts its “Care about People” philosophy into practice. During the fight against COVID-19, Hang Lung provided anti-pandemic supplies to protect frontline staff and their families. 曹靜心 Jojo Cho 香港業務部,服務年期: 30 年 Hong Kong Business Operation, Year of Service: 30 Jojo 笑指恒隆陪着她經歷結婚、生育等人生 重要的階段。子女都已長大成人的 Jojo ,常將 「人情味」三字掛在嘴邊。她說,上司及同事之 間的扶持是她工作的動力之一,「上司不吝於分 享物業管理及客戶服務的經驗,讓我們精益求 精;在遇到挑戰時,同事之間齊心協力,共同 解決問題。」 Jojo said the support of her supervisors and colleagues is one of the driving forces behind her work, “My supervisors are always willing to share their experience in property management and customer service, so that we can strive for excellence. When faced with challenges, colleagues work together to solve problems.” 陳滿根 (阿根) Chan Mun Kan (Kan) 鄧力行 David Tang 財務部,服務年期: 15 年 Finance Department, Year of Service: 15 David 大學畢業後加入恒隆管理培訓生計劃, 現在, David 已是公司的管理層,見證自己的 成長和突破。乘着工作帶來的機遇, 15 年間在 財務部門轉換了不同崗位,也曾駐守內地物業, 為工作帶來新鮮感。他說自己從前學習閱讀財務 報表,現在學懂掌握透過圖表說故事。 David joined the Hang Lung Management Trainee Program after graduating from university, and now he is a member of the Company’s management team. During the past 15 years, he took advantage of the opportunities brought by his job, including job rotations within the Finance Department and relocation to Mainland properties, which have constantly brought fresh insights into his work. Through these years, he has grown from learning to comprehend financial data to presenting meaningful business context through the financial reports. 20 yrs 40 yrs 15 yrs 30 yrs 13 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E