Connections Mar 2023 TC

資源管理 Resource Management 恒隆加快步伐 實踐可持續發展目標 Hang Lung Gathers Pace to Advance Our Sustainability Agenda Hang Lung is the first real estate company in Hong Kong and mainland China to receive approval from Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for our net-zero targets W e have a strong start to 2023 as we continue to make progress in achieving our ambition to become one of the world's most sustainable real estate companies. 恒隆成為香港及 內地首家房地產 發展商獲得科學 碳目標倡議( SBTi ) 批核淨零排放 目標 新 年伊始,我們在可持續發展領域取得理想進 展,進一步實踐我們矢志成為全球領先可持 續發展房地產公司的抱負。 恒隆擴大電動汽車充電站 網絡,覆蓋香港核心商業區及 旅遊熱點 Hang Lung expanded electric vehicle charging facilities across prime locations and tourist spots in Hong Kong 濟南恒隆廣場現已 100% 採用可再生能源供電,進一步 提升我們在內地物業組合的可再生能源使用量至近 25% Parc 66, Jinan is now 100% powered by renewable energy, accelerating the renewable electricity mix in our mainland China portfolio to almost 25% 應對氣候變化 Climate Resilience Net- Zero 我們與惜食堂合作在康怡廣場設置 了一個食物收集箱,善用廚餘 To rescue edible surplus food that would otherwise go to waste, we are partnering with Food Angel in placement of a food collection box at Kornhill Plaza in Hong Kong 我們與綠領行動合作,在恒隆旗下香港 商場的禮賓部及辦公室擺放了收集箱, 共回收了約 1.4 公噸的利是封以作重用 We collaborated with Greeners Action and have collected nearly 1.4 metric tonnes of lai see packets for recycling and reuse at the concierge areas of Hang Lung malls and our offices 14 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 03 2023 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y