Connections Mar 2023 TC

恒隆一心義工隊創新高峰  The Achievements of Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team 福 祉 W E L L B E I N G 2022 年恒隆義工「疫」境再創高峰 延續「關愛共融」精神 2022 Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team Demonstrates the Spirit of Caring during COVID-19 Pandemic 恒 隆一心義工隊」去年成立十周年,縱然 面對疫情的影響,仍無阻恒隆一眾 義工延續「關愛共融」的精神,在香港及內地 九個城市 11 個項目的義工參與人數、服務 時數和受惠人數方面均創下紀錄。為感謝 義工們的無私付出及貢獻,行政 總 裁盧韋柏 先生於 2 月親自向香港的傑出義工頒發 嘉許狀,表揚義工們回饋社會,提升大眾 福祉,為社區的可持續發展出力。 2 022 marked the 10 th anniversary of the Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team. Even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, our volunteers continued to demonstrate their spirit of care and support for community wellbeing. The number of volunteers, service hours and beneficiaries across Hong Kong and 11 projects in nine cities in mainland China have hit new record highs. To recognize the volunteers for their selfless dedication and contributions, CEO, Mr. Weber Lo, presented certificates to outstanding volunteers in Hong Kong personally in February, commending them for giving back to society, improving the wellbeing of people in need, and contributing to the sustainable development of the community. 2022 年香港「恒隆一心義工隊」的十大傑出義工 The Top 10 Hang Lung As One Volunteers in Hong Kong in 2022 周立霞 香港淘大花園 Lixia Zhou, Amoy Gardens, Hong Kong 陳潔  上海港匯恒隆廣場 Jessie Chen, Grand Gateway 66, Shanghai    作為恒隆義工的一員,我很感恩能為 社會貢獻自己的一份力量。關心他人不但帶 給別人快樂,也為自己生活增添活力和收穫。 I feel proud to take part in Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team activities. I am grateful that I can use my energy for the good of the community as a member of the volunteer team. Caring for others is not just about giving, but it is also a rewarding experience. ,,    通過參與「恒隆一心 義工隊」的活動幫助到需要幫助 的人,我感受到人性的善意會 讓這個社會熠熠發光。 Through joining Hang Lung As One volunteer activities and helping people in need, I get to see the good in humanity. ,, 「 ,, ,, 立即報名加入 「恒隆一心義工隊」 Join Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team #CommunityInvestment #HangLungAsOne 義工參與人數 No. of Volunteers 服務時數 Service Hours 受惠人數 No. of Beneficiaries 義工活動次數 No. of Volunteer Activities 60,631 名 135 次 18,597 小時 1,925 名 16 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 03 2023 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y