Connections Mar 2023 TC

香 港近年致力發展 STEM 教育,即科 學( Science )、科技( Technology )、 工程( Engineering )和數學( Mathematics ) 結合為一,以啟迪學生的創意思維。恒隆 早於 2004 年開創先河,成立恒隆數學獎, 培養中學生對數學研究的興趣和創造力, 並發掘具潛質的數學英才,多年來吸引逾 2,400 名學生參賽。歷屆不少得獎者與 參加者均投身科研工作,包括探究數學對 可持續發展的推動,為改善社會的福祉 貢獻一分力量。 由首屆比賽至今,恒隆數學獎累計收集逾 400 篇研究報告。恒隆數學獎執行委員會 主席暨香港科技大學理學院副院長梁承裕 教授在今屆恒隆數學獎簡介會上表示, 恒隆數學獎是一個難得的機會,讓學生 領略如何學習新知識,無論最後能否得出 研究成果,這個經驗對參賽者在學業和 日後工作上有莫大裨益。 2010 年恒隆數學獎銀獎得主鍾秉毅, 與 2016 年恒隆數學獎銅獎得主鄭慧中亦 透過自身經驗,分享數學在不同行業的 獨特角色和作用,以及研習數學如何幫助 大家開拓多元出路。 恒隆數學獎:培養數學人才新生代 Hang Lung Mathematics Awards Empowering the Next Generation of Math Talent I n recent years, the Hong Kong government has spared no effort to promote education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to inspire students’ creativity. Established in 2004, the Hang Lung Mathematics Awards (HLMA) is a scheme that encourages students to realize their creative potential and interest in mathematics, and nurture mathematics talents for the community. Over the years, it has attracted more than 2,400 student participants, and many award winners and participants are now working in the field of scientific research, such as exploring how mathematics can promote sustainable development, and making meaningful contributions to society. Since inauguration, HLMA has received more than 400 research papers. Professor Shing Yu Leung, Associate Dean of Science at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Chair of Executive Committee of the HLMA said the program is a precious opportunity for students to learn how to acquire new knowledge; an experience that will benefit their future development. The 2010 HLMA Silver Award winner Brian Chung, and the 2016 HLMA Bronze Award winner Dorothy Cheng also shared their experiences about the unique role and function of mathematics in different sectors, and how the study of mathematics can help open up multiple pathways. 如欲觀看梁教授足本版訪問, 請瀏覽恒隆數學獎網頁 To view the full interview, please visit the HLMA website #Excellence #NurturingNextGen 17 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y