Connections Mar 2023 TC

While many businesses are devising strategies to adapt to the new normal, Weber emphasizes the importance of staying focused on customer-centricity, productivity As the overall market conditions in both Hong Kong and mainland China improve, Weber emphasizes, “We’re now in a much better position. It’s time for us to step up and make our move.” He cited our first-of-its-kind sustainability partnership with LVMH has demonstrated our ability to move the needle at a global level. “I’m confident that we can reach new heights in 2023, especially for our Mainland portfolio,” Weber added. He also encouraged his colleagues to gain a deeper understanding of market and customer needs by going to the ground, especially on the Mainland, which accounts for close to 70% of our rental revenue. Many people might not know that Weber was an athlete and earned the “Sportsman of the Year” back in his school days. Now he is a golfer. He shared that the grit and determination required to excel in sports has shaped the kind of leader he is today – someone who places a high value on teamwork, resilience, and a never-give- up spirit, and demonstrates a strong sense of discipline and determination in pursuing his beliefs. He elaborated that a good leader who can navigate the new normal has to be able to do the right thing at the right time, in alignment with corporate strategy and core values. Proud Achievements in Last Five Years 回首五年最引以 為傲的成就 As long as we manage the Company well, have a good team and good processes in place, and we keep our customers happy, any issues associated with the new normal can be solved easily. We’re now in a much better position. It’s time for us to step up and make our move. Persevere, work as a team. Do the right thing at the right time. 今年是 Weber 加入恒隆出任行政 總 裁五周年, 問及其最感自豪的事情,他表示公司在「以客 為尊」上的投入、在可持續發展方面的急速發 展以及在過去的香港社會事件及疫情期間充分 展現的良好危機管理能力,都令他引以為傲。 When asked about the achievements that he is most proud of since joining the Company as CEO five years ago, Weber said they are the Company’s focus on customer-centricity, the rapid developments in sustainability and the good crisis management capabilities, as demonstrated abundantly through the period of social unrest in Hong Kong and during the pandemic. 恒隆與 LVMH 合辦 首屆地產及氣候論壇 Hang Lung and LVMH co-hosted the inaugural Real Estate & Climate Forum improvement through continuous streamlining of work processes, and “Care about People” initiatives, which he believes, have solidified our strengths against the negative headwinds over the past three years and will continue to put us in the best position to achieve further business growth. Several indicators have proved the effectiveness of our strategies including the record-high rental revenue achieved by our mainland China property leasing business two years in a row; the significant increase in top-tiered high-end brands as tenants, and a loyal customer base with improved tenant sales, even amid the challenging business landscape. 5 專 題 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y