Connections Mar 2023 TC

迎接新常態 把握無限機遇 Embracing the Next Normal to Seize Boundless Opportunities 在 恒隆,協作和創新是我們的發展動力。經過 三年線上會議,今年的恒隆管理層會議再次 以實體形式同步在香港與上海舉行,讓 200 多位 香港及內地的行政和管理人員透過線上線下共聚一 首,分享他們對「擁抱新常態」的真知灼見。此會 議反映了公司追求卓越和開放的核心價值,亦展示 了我們在多變的營商環境下採取的最佳實務。 我們邀請了來自各行各業的翹楚擔任演講嘉賓, 他們圍繞「沉浸式顧客體驗」、「數碼化轉型和 科技」以及「奢侈品零售趨勢」等主題提出了精闢 見解,這些獨到的分析與我們致力為顧客、租戶 和社區締造超乎期望的最佳服務和體驗承諾不謀 而合。 A t Hang Lung, collaboration and innovation fuels our growth. The Hang Lung Management Conference was held physically in both Hong Kong and Shanghai after three years of virtual conference. Themed “Embracing the Next Normal” and taking a dual-offline approach, the conference brought together over 200 executives and management from Hong Kong and mainland China, to discuss ideas for navigating the “embracing the next normal”, demonstrating the Company's dedication to excellence and openness in showcasing our best practices in the evolving business landscape. High-caliber speakers from various industries were invited to share their insights on the topics of “immersive customer engagement”, “digital transformation and technology”, and “luxury retail trends”, resonating with our commitment to delivering the finest services and experiences that surpass the expectations of our customers, tenants and communities. H O N G K O N G 香港 S H A N G H A I 上海 董事長陳啟宗先生在開場發言鼓勵同事 放眼內地,尋找機遇 Chair, Mr. Ronnie C. Chan, delivered the opening keynote speech at the conference and advised colleagues to better explore opportunities in mainland China 行政 總 裁盧韋柏先生強調擁抱新常態的 重要,並指出面對改變要快人一步作出 應對,才能捉緊面前的機會 CEO Mr. Weber Lo highlighted the importance of embracing the next normal and being the first to embrace change to seize the opportunities ahead 在閉幕致辭中,副董事長陳文博先生 分享了從演講嘉賓和同事分享中獲得的 啟發,並鼓勵同事跳出固有思維,因為 創造力是推動變革的關鍵 In his closing remarks, Vice Chair Mr. Adriel Chan shared how he was inspired by the sharing of guest speakers and colleagues, and encouraged colleagues to think outside the box as creativity is key to driving change 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 03 2023 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E