Connections Mar 2023 TC

金獎 Gold Award 地產與氣候論壇:恒隆與 LVMH 集團可持續發展合作 Real Estate & Climate Forum: Co-Creation with LVMH 銀獎 Silver Award 同心抗疫 共同守滬 Working Together to Safeguard Shanghai against COVID-19 銅獎 Bronze Award 採購及租賃流程優化 Procurement Process & Tenancy-Related Workflow Improvement and Refinement 特別嘉許獎 Special Mention 毛毛狂歡聖誕主題活動 Pixar Fluffy Festival Xmas Campaign 行政裁 總 大獎 2022 CEO Award 2022 #WeDoItWell #Excellence 行 政 總 裁大獎自 2019 年設立以來,以體現 恒隆的願景、使命及核心價值為宗旨,表揚 同事在實踐公司文化的四大行為準則之最佳 做法,肯定團隊精神及跨部門合作的出色表現。 除金銀銅獎外,本年亦增設「特別嘉許獎」,表彰 傑出的項目。我們共收到超過 14 份優秀案例, 涵蓋可持續發展、流程優化、市場策劃及社區 投資等範疇。得獎方案與時並進,體現「融合 創新」、「推動變革」和「克服困難」三大準則,推動 多元共融,為顧客創造共享價值,為社會和環境 帶來正面影響,實踐締造優享生活空間的願景。 L aunched in 2019 and exemplified our VMV, CEO Award aims to recognize colleagues who demonstrate the four attributes of our corporate culture, and the outstanding performance of teamwork and cross-department collaboration. This year, a “Special Mention” Award was offered in addition to gold, silver and bronze prizes to recognize outstanding projects. Over 14 outstanding case submissions were received, covering areas such as sustainable development, process improvement, marketing planning and community investment. The award-winning cases kept abreast with the times and embodied the three principles of “incorporating Innovation”, “driving structural changes”, and “overcoming unforeseen difficulties”, promoting diversity and inclusion, and creating shared value for our customers, as well as positive impact on society and the environment, to create compelling spaces which enrich lives. 恒隆與 LVMH 簽署全球首創的可持續發展 協議後,於去年合辦首屆地產與氣候論壇, 提出逾 200 個構思以應對地產及零售業可持續 發展挑戰,並於今年 3 月公布《共同憲章》分享 共享努力的成果。 After the signing of a first-of-its-kind sustainability partnership agreement by Hang Lung and LVMH, the inaugural Real Estate & Climate Forum was held last year during which more than 200 ideas were generated. The two groups aim to share the results in a Common Charter in March. 7 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E