Connections Jun 2023 SC
管理思维蜕变 领航团队跃进 Management Thinking Transformation Takes Teams to New Heights 领导能力发展课程助力恒隆关键人才在长远发展上与公司并驾齐驱 The Leadership Development Program enables key talents to achieve long-term growth alongside the sustainable development of the Company 拥 有一支多元的团队是确保企业向荣的要素 , 恒隆着重各层职级的人才培育 , 透过为不同 职级及岗位的员工提供量身订制的课程 , 助力他们的事业及个人发展 。 于 2021 年 , 恒隆成功推 出领导能力发展课程系列( Leadership Development Program , 简称 LDP ) , 恒隆去年聚焦行政领导人员 , 推出领导能力发展— 行政领导课程( LDP-EL ) , 培养 关键人才的战略眼光 , 锻炼管理及创新思维 , 让他们 提前做好承担重任的准备 , 为公司的长远可持续发展作 更大的贡献 。 《连系恒隆》邀请了两位完成了 LDP-EL 的员工 , 包括 杭州恒隆广场总经理洪志翔先生( Jimmy )和综合服务 部副总经理—项目支援孙颖珺女士( Trista ) , 分享课 程如何帮助他们启发思考 , 并在管理思维上作出蜕变 。 Jimmy 加入恒隆近十年 , 有着在公司内部不同领域 丰富的工作经历 , 至今年年初起执掌杭州恒隆广场 。 杭州恒隆广场是恒隆在内地的第 11 个综合商业项目 , 将于 2024 年起分阶段完成 。 对于从管理发展成熟的业 务到现时掌管在建的项目 , Jimmy 雀跃道 : “无论从 团队的搭建及文化的建立 , 到筹备开幕期间顺应着租赁 及营运的方式 , 均需要紧密地与公司不同的部门协调 , 对我而言充满各种可能性 。 ” Jimmy 再补充道 , 创新也 要“接地气” , 找到坐标 , 落实方向 , 才能付诸实行 。 A t Hang Lung, we believe in nurturing our employees’ talents by offering customized courses to help them grow both professionally and personally. Following the successful launch of the Leadership Development Program (LDP) series in 2021, we introduced the Leadership Development Program for Executive Leaders (LDP-EL) last year to enhance capability in strategic vision and thinking in management and innovation among key talents, preparing them for taking on greater responsibilities and contributing to the sustainable growth of the Company. Two Executive Leaders, Mr. Jimmy Hong, General Manager – Westlake 66, Hangzhou, and Ms. Trista Suen, Deputy General Manager – Portfolio Support of Service Delivery Department, who completed the LDP-EL program, shared with Connections how the program has transformed their management thinking. Jimmy, who has been with the Company for almost ten years and is now in charge of Westlake 66 in Hangzhou, is keen on exploring new ways of working while emphasizing the practicality of implementing ideas. The project is currently under development and is expected to be completed in phases from 2024 onwards. Jimmy 表示 , LDP-EL 为他 提供了一个很好的试验场 机会 , 让他在管理杭州项目 时可更加得心应手 According to Jimmy, the LDP-EL has provided him with a great opportunity to experiment and has enabled him to become more proficient in managing the Hangzhou project 12 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 06 2023 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E
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