Connections Jun 2023 SC

Jimmy (左一)表示 , LDP-EL 让他学会怎样下放授权团队 , 让他们发挥独当一面的机会 Jimmy (1 st from the left) said that the LDP-EL has taught him how to empower his team, giving them the opportunity to excel 对此 , Jimmy 表示 LDP-EL 为他提供了一个很好的试验场 机会 , 让他在管理杭州项目时可更加得心应手 , “ LDP-EL 让我能够以观全貌的角度 , 深入了解各部门之间工作 的深度 , 和日后业务发展的宏大的方向和愿景 。 例如在 可持续发展的课题上 , 我们和 LVMH 的可持续发展合作在 业界来说 , 是一个突破 , 但这不只是一个概念 , 后续还有 很多行动需按部就班地进行 , 所以我们业务部门在做规划 时 , 也需要知道如何跟进配合 , 推进公司在可持续发展 议题上的议程 。 ” According to Jimmy, the LDP-EL has provided him with a panoramic view of the Company in terms of its business direction and vision, and has deepened his understanding of various topics such as sustainability. “For example, our sustainability partnership with LVMH Group is a breakthrough in the industry, and there are many actions that have to be taken, step-by-step, to achieve our sustainability goals. The program helped me to systematically incorporate ideas into our project that will accelerate the Company’s sustainability agenda,” said Jimmy. Trista (左一)认为 , 课程帮助她调整管理思维 , 学会站在两个阶梯上 看事情全貌 Trista (1 st from the left) appreciates that the program has helped her adjust her management thinking and learn to think from two levels above to get a bigger picture of the issues 在香港总部工作的 Trista , 2021 年中加入恒隆 , 日常主要为内地的项目提供物业管理上的专业意 见 。 藉着今次课程 , Trista 首次接触到创新领导力 的思维 , 感到新鲜不已 , 并学以致用 , 调整自己的 管理思维 , 在所属团队中实践 , “课程除了让学员有 所精进 , 我们的团队也同时获益 。 ” Trista, who joined the Company in mid-2021 at the Hong Kong Headquarters, is responsible for providing professional property management advice to projects on the Mainland. The LDP-EL has broadened her horizons in terms of innovative leadership and has helped her adjust her management thinking which benefits her team members as well. LDP-EL 让我能够以观全貌的角度 , 深入了解各部门之间工作的深度 。 LDP-EL has provided me with a panoramic view that deepens my understanding of the working connections between departments. 课程除了让学员有所精进 , 我们的团队也同时获益 。 The program not only helps to enhance our own knowledge and skills, our teams also benefit. Trista Jimmy 13 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E