Connections Jun 2023 SC

首届恒隆 “她领航”计划 见证女大学生 飞扬 The Inaugural “ Hang Lung Future Women Leaders Program” Empowers Female University Students to Soar 来自政府的代表 、 恒隆管理层 、 行业嘉宾 , 以及恒隆“她领航”计划的导师云集香港和内地 , 出席首届“她领航”计划毕业礼 , 见证一众女大学生蜕变成为社会领袖新力军 Government officials, Hang Lung executives, industry guests and program mentors, gathered together in Hong Kong and mainland China to witness the female university students emerge as new social leaders 首 届恒隆“她领航”计划分别于 香港及上海举行毕业礼 , 来自 政府的代表 、 恒隆管理层 、 行业嘉 宾 , 以及“她领航”计划的导师及 学员聚首一堂 , 见证参与“她领航” 计划的全国女大学生蜕变成为社会 领袖新力军 。 恒隆“她领航”计划去年 10 月在 香港及内地共同展开 , 至今全国 共有近 180 位女大学生参与 , 接受 逾 6,300 小时的领䄂培训及师友 指导 。 参加计划的学员均表示 , 恒隆“她领航”计划不但拓阔了她们 的视野 , 更让她们装备好自己迎接 未来的挑战 。 为响应香港政府的号召及促进 香港与内地之间的交流和合作 , 在 70 多位香港学员当中 , 三名表现 最优秀的学生被挑选前往上海与 内地学员及导师进行交流 , 并参观 恒隆于上海的业务 , 加深了解在 内地发展的机遇 。 T he inaugural “Hang Lung Future Women Leaders Program” graduation ceremony was held separately in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Government officials, Hang Lung executives, industry guests, Program mentors and students, gathered together to witness the female university students from across the nation emerge as new social leaders. Since the program launched last October in Hong Kong and mainland China, around 180 female university students from across the nation have participated and received over 6,300 hours of leadership training and mentorship. Mentees of the “Hang Lung Future Women Leaders Program” agree that the program has been crucial in broadening their horizons, encouraging them to be better prepared to face the future. Aligned with the Hong Kong SAR government’s efforts to promote and foster exchange and cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland, the three top performers among around 70 Hong Kong students were selected to meet with Mainland students and mentors in Shanghai. They also visited Hang Lung projects in Shanghai to learn more about opportunities on the Mainland. 香港与内地的优秀学员在毕业礼上进行沪港对话 , 互相交流 Outstanding participants of the program from Hong Kong and the Mainland hosted a Shanghai-Hong Kong Inspirational Talk at the graduation ceremony to exchange views 16 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 06 2023 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y