Connections Jun 2023 SC

清捕零碳 CLEANCO2 清捕零碳的碳捕集利用与封存技术的创新之处 ? How Innovative is the Technology of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)? 1 循环利用建筑废物 发展项目在建造过程中产生废弃混凝土 , 清捕零碳将这 些废弃混凝土破碎成骨料 , 并通过名为“二氧化碳矿化 强化工艺”的技术 , 制成低碳 RCA , 以代替混凝土原料 。 低碳 RCA 的特性较传统骨料优胜 , 有显著的减排潜力 。 Upcycle Construction Waste Waste concrete from development projects is crushed into aggregate and used for low carbon RCA through a carbon dioxide mineralization process. The low carbon RCA has significant potential to reduce emissions compared to normal aggregate when used as raw material for concrete. 2 源头着手减少隐含碳排放 清捕零碳通过使用工业副产品粉煤灰和高炉渣粉代替 水泥 , 并以其专有的“二氧化碳矿化养护工艺”打造 “固碳混凝土实心砖” , 其隐含碳排放预期将较传统 烧结砖低 87.5 % 。 Reduce Embodied Carbon Emissions at Source CLEANCO2 low carbon concrete bricks use cement, fly ash and other solid waste together with CLEANCO2’s carbon dioxide mineralization process. The embodied carbon emissions of the low carbon concrete bricks are expected to be 87.5% lower than conventional shale bricks. 清捕零碳开发的技术源自浙江大学清洁能源利用 国家重点实验室( CEU ) 。 为响应国策 , 2020 年清 捕零碳与 CEU 展开合作 , 建设了“浙江大学— 清捕零碳二氧化碳矿化利用技术联合研发平台” , 这是中国首个可实现大规模工业生产验证的二氧 化碳矿化利用试验基地 。 产品自身 减少碳排放 Built-in carbon emissions reduction capabilities 提升养护效率 降低成本 Improve maintenance efficiency and reduce costs 有效封存 利用废弃 CO 2 Effective storage and utilization of waste CO 2 实现碳汇增加 额外收益 Achieve carbon sequestration to increase additional income 工业废料 循环利用 Recycle industrial waste CO CO CO 87.5 % RCA % The technology developed by CLEANCO2 originated from the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization (CEU) of Zhejiang University. In 2020, CLEANCO2 and CEU jointly built the “Zhejiang University-CLEANCO2 United Laboratory of CO 2 Mineralization Utilization Technology”, the first CO 2 mineralization utilization experimental base in mainland China, with the potential to achieve large- scale industrial production globally. 低碳 RCA 的特点 The Feature of RCA 5 专 题 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y