Connections Jun 2023 SC
hello dollar 参与商户涵盖食玩买不同范畴 , 当中不乏多家人气食肆 hello dollar participating merchants cover a wide array of trades including a number of popular F&B outlets 登记成为 hello 会员 , 一 App 在手 , 连接恒隆商场近 600 个商户赚取积分 Become a hello member and earn hello points across almost 600 merchants in Hang Lung malls with one App 香 港“ hello 恒隆商场奖赏计划”两周岁了 ! 为 了让会员享受更优越的体验 , 恒隆最近隆重 推出全新的 hello dollar , 从此积分用途更灵活 ! 恒隆于 5 至 6 月期间在多个香港恒隆商场举办了多项 快闪推广活动 , 包括大派软雪糕和人气特色饮品 , 让顾客藉此认识全新推出的 hello dollar 。 快来恒隆 商场消费兑换 hello dollar 吧 ! T he hello Hang Lung Malls Rewards Program celebrates its second anniversary with the launch of the brand-new hello dollar, that gives members an even more rewarding experience. A series of flash offers including the distribution of free ice-cream and popular specialty drinks have been held in May and June across various Hang Lung malls in Hong Kong to help familiarize customers with how they can earn and use hello dollar. Come shop at Hang Lung malls in Hong Kong and earn hello dollar! hello dollar 隆重登场 积分当现金 消费更称心 Shop to Earn hello Points to Spend as Cash • hello 会员于恒隆旗下多个 香港商场每消费港币 1 元 , 便可赚取 1 hello 积分 , 换取礼品 、 免费泊车及为 个人度身订造的特别体验 hello members can earn 1 hello point for every HK$1 spent, and redeem exclusive privileges and extraordinary experiences available at many of our Hong Kong malls • 现在每累积 2,500 hello 积分 , 更可兑换成 10 hello dollar , 在超过 300 个参与商户付款时 直接当港币 10 元使用 Now, every 2,500 hello points can be converted to 10 hello dollars and spent as HK$10 at over 300 hello dollar participating merchants • 兑换金额由 10 hello dollar 起 , 不设上限 , hello 会员可以积分换 礼品 , 也可兑换成 hello dollar 开心消费 hello members can convert from 10 hello dollars without upper limit each time, which means more flexible use of the hello points collected #CustomerCentricity hello dollar >300 $ 6 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 06 2023 恒 隆 脉 搏 H L P U L S E
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