Connections Jun 2023 SC
上海港汇恒隆广场特别联动《剧院魅影》 , 为顾客表演经典音乐剧曲目 Grand Gateway 66 in Shanghai delighted customers with performances showcasing scenes from the timeless musical “The Phantom of the Opera” 上海恒隆广场于今年 4 月首次举办“ Game of Wonder ”活动 , 将商场转化为春日乐园 , 以创意游戏装置 、 抽奖及专属会员礼遇等 , 让顾客沉浸于一个充满奇妙的购物旅程 。 Plaza 66 in Shanghai launched its first-ever “Game of Wonder” campaign in April, transforming the mall into a Spring wonderland. The event featured engaging and creative game booths, lucky draws and exclusive member privileges for customers to enjoy on their fun shopping journey. 上海恒隆广场 的春日乐园 “ Game of Wonder ” Spring Wonderland “Game of Wonder” at Plaza 66, Shanghai 商场中庭的装置 , 成为顾客的打卡热点 The installation in the mall’s atrium became a popular check-in point for customers 上海港汇恒隆广场在 5 月 20 日当天将商场中央化身 成华丽剧院 , 演出经典音乐剧《剧院魅影》片段 。 活动特别邀请到《剧院魅影》(伦敦西区)演员 Earl Carpenter 先生 , 为全场观众带来脍炙人口的 经典曲目“ The Music of the Night ” , 让顾客在商 场购物消闲的同时 , 亦可体验经典艺术的魅力 。 On May 20, Grand Gateway 66 in Shanghai transformed the mall’s main atrium into a stunning theater, bringing customers performances featuring scenes from the timeless musical “The Phantom of the Opera”. Mr. Earl Carpenter, a cast member of the West End production of “The Phantom of the Opera,” was invited to perform the classic song “The Music of the Night” for the audience, allowing customers to experience the beloved musical in person and adding an enjoyable new experience to the malls shopping and leisure offering. #UniqueBrandedExperience 《剧院魅影》歌声响彻 上海港汇恒隆广场 Echoes of The Phantom of the Opera at Grand Gateway 66, Shanghai 7 恒 隆 脉 搏 H L P U L S E
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