Connections Jun 2023 SC

恒隆 66 尊享季 线上线下感受城市脉动 Hang Lung 66 Brand Campaign Leads the Pulse of the City 艺 术 、 设计和文化是构成城市脉动重要 一环 。 今年 , 恒隆与时尚媒体《 InStyle 优家画报》携手合作 , 在内地七个恒隆广场 呈献恒隆 66 尊享季年度活动 , 以“艺享时尚” 为主题 , 透过线上线下方式带领顾客涉猎 时尚 、 美容 、 生活美学和艺术等各个范畴 。 打造艺术与时尚感兼备的线下体验 空间 今年恒隆 66 尊享季的设计装置由意大利艺术 家 Joys di Padova 创作 , 他以平面与立体 几何图形结合 , 以及鲜艳色彩撞击的概念 , 打造出艺术和时尚感并重的线下体验空间 , 让顾客可尽情拍照打卡 。 恒隆亦与商户携 手 , 以限定福利回馈广大顾客 。 A rt, design and culture are an important part of the city’s pulse. This year, Hang Lung and the well-known fashion media outlet “InStyle Youjia Pictorial” joined hands to present the annual Hang Lung 66 Brand Campaign with the theme “Art in Fashion” in seven Hang Lung malls, engaging customers in the exploration of fashion, beauty, lifestyle and art both online and up close and personal. Creating Experience Zones with Art and Fashion This year’s Hang Lung 66 Brand Campaign installations are designed by Italian artist, Joys di Padova. With the concept of color collision and the combination of two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometries, an experience zone reflecting both art and fashion elements was created to allow customers to take pictures and check-in. We also joined hands with tenants to present special privileges and exclusive offers to customers. 昆明恒隆广场 Spring City 66, Kunming 沈阳市府恒隆广场 Forum 66, Shenyang 8 恒 隆 脉 搏 H L P U L S E 06 2023 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS