Connections Jun 2023 TC
恒 隆一直以「以客為尊」為服務宗旨,公司 每年舉辦「綠寶石客戶服務獎」嘉許在客戶 服務範疇表現優秀的員工。今年,公司收到超過 300 份來自香港和內地各個業務領域的提名,每個 提名個案均反映出同事重視顧客,心繫社區。 在今年的「綠寶石客戶服務獎」評選過程中,大會 根據個案的主動性、責任感、處理問題能力、 創意、獨特性及「多做一點 前瞻一里」等顧客服務 表現範疇進行評分,共頒發了兩個「綠寶石客戶 服務獎」、五個優異獎及四個特別嘉許獎。 行政 總 裁盧韋柏先生出席頒獎典禮恭賀獲獎同 事,他在致辭時表示:「同事的奉獻精神和使命 感,在為顧客提供最佳的恒隆品牌體驗方面擔當 了關鍵的角色,使公司能夠實現締造優享生活 空間的願景,並通過聯繫顧客、社群、夥伴, 實現可持續增長的使命。」 E xemplifying our service philosophy of customer-centricity, Hang Lung organizes the annual “Emerald Award” to recognize staff who have demonstrated exceptional customer service. This year, the Company received over 300 nominations from various areas of the business across Hong Kong and mainland China, reflecting colleagues’ care for our customers and communities. At this year’s Hang Lung Emerald Award presentation ceremony, a total of two Emerald Awards, five Merit Awards, and four Special Mentions were awarded based on the criteria of initiative, accountability, problem-handling, creativity, uniqueness, and “going the extra mile.” Mr. Weber Lo, Chief Executive Officer, attended the award ceremony to congratulate the award-winning staff and said, “Our colleagues’ dedication and strong ownership plays a pivotal role in delivering the best Hang Lung branded experience, enabling us to realize our vision of creating compelling spaces that enrich lives, and to pursue our mission of sustainable growth by connecting our customers and communities.” 嘉許員工 提升客戶服務新層次 Honoring Excellence Elevating the Customer Service Experience 2023 年度「綠寶石客戶服務獎」得獎者出席頒獎典禮接受殊榮 Winners of the 2023 Hang Lung Emerald Award attended the award presentation ceremony to receive their honors 行政 總 裁盧韋柏先生(中)、首席財務 總 監趙家駒先生(左二)、董事―人力 資源及行政潘舜雅女士(右二)、副董事(香港業務 總 監)劉靜雅女士(左一)和 總 經理―集團傳訊馬寶明女士(右一)出席 2023 年度「綠寶石客戶服務獎」頒獎 典禮,與同事攜手作出服務承諾 Mr. Weber Lo, Chief Executive Officer (middle); Mr. Kenneth Chiu, Chief Financial Officer (2 nd from the left); Ms. Janet Poon, Director – Human Resources & Administration (2 nd from the right); Ms. Helen Lau, Deputy Director (Head of Hong Kong Business Operation) (1 st from the left) and Ms. Maggie Ma, General Manager – Corporate Communications (1 st from the right) attended the 2023 Hang Lung Emerald Award presentation ceremony to make a service commitment together with colleagues #CustomerCentricity 10 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 06 2023 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E
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