Connections Jun 2023 TC
「綠寶石客戶服務奬」 優異奬及特別嘉許獎 Merit Award and Special Mention Award 「綠寶石客戶服務獎」得主感言︰ Words from Our Emerald Award Winners: 「綠寶石客戶服務獎」特別嘉許獎得主來自︰ Special Mention Winners are from: • 香港淘大花園 Amoy Gardens, Hong Kong • 上海港匯花園 Grand Gateway 66, Shanghai • 瀋陽市府恒隆廣場 Forum 66, Shenyang • 上海港匯恒隆廣場 Grand Gateway 66, Shanghai 「綠寶石客戶服務奬」優異奬得主來自︰ Merit Award Winners are from: • 香港淘大花園 Amoy Gardens, Hong Kong • 香港家樂坊 Gala Place, Hong Kong • 無錫恒隆廣場(顧客服務) Center 66, Wuxi (Customer Service) • 無錫恒隆廣場(工程維修) Center 66, Wuxi (Maintenance Service) • 濟南恒隆廣場 Parc 66, Jinan 我們從事物業管理有一種使命感,就是 默默守護我們的住戶。 As property management practitioners, our mission is to demonstrate care for our residents’ safety and wellbeing. 要讓顧客感受到我們的熱情、專業與可靠, 從而更好地提高顧客滿意度和忠誠度。 To enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, we have to demonstrate our enthusiasm, professionalism and reliability. 天津恒隆廣場劉丹丹 Connie Liu, Riverside 66, Tianjin (左起)香港淘大花園顏鎮鴻、劉學禮、陳婷婷和吳淦輝 (From left) Ngan Chun Hung, Lau Hok Lai, Joey Chan and Ng Kam Fai, Amoy Gardens, Hong Kong 「綠寶石客戶服務獎」得主除了獲頒發證書及綠寶石 胸針外,更到訪五星級酒店吸收其他行業在客戶服務 方面的經驗,豐富自己的專業知識。 為提供更臻善的客戶服務,恒隆由 2021 年起,為前線員工提供 社會福利署認可的「認知友善好友」培訓課程,提高對認知障礙 症的認識和加強溝通技巧。截至今年 6 月初,已超過 270 位前線 員工完成培訓課程,涵蓋 19 個恒隆於香港的商業及住宅項目。 他們將繼續在日常工作中為有需要的人提供適切的幫助,建立 一個更包容、關愛和認知友善的社區。 To provide better customer service, beginning in 2021, Hang Lung frontline staff have been participating in the “Dementia Friends” training program recognized by the Social Welfare Department to enhance their understanding of dementia and strengthen their communication skills. As of early June this year, over 270 frontline staff at 19 locations in the Hong Kong portfolio have completed the training course. The trained staff will offer appropriate assistance to those in need in their daily work, contributing to a more inclusive, caring, and dementia-friendly community. 「認知友善好友」培訓課程 Dementia Friends Training Program In addition to being awarded a certificate and the Hang Lung Emerald brooch, Emerald Award winners visited a five-star hotel to learn more about the customer service experience in other sectors and to enrich their professional knowledge. 請即掃瞄 二維碼 觀看影片 Scan QR code for video 請即掃瞄 二維碼 觀看影片 Scan QR code for video 前線員工成為「認知友善好友」 Frontline staff participating in the “ Dementia Friends ” training program 涵蓋恒隆於香港商業及住宅項目 Covering locations of Hong Kong portfolio 270 + 19 11 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E
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