Connections Jun 2023 TC

#HangLungPeople #TalentDevelopment Trista shared an example - she used to give solutions to her colleagues when they sought help in the past, but now she thinks from two levels above to get a bigger picture of the issues in order to guide her colleagues’ thinking by asking questions as a form of guidance. During the eight-month program, the Executive Leaders had to complete a challenging project while juggling their daily workloads. For Jimmy, the LDP-EL has helped him improve his time management skills and learn to delegate more responsibilities to his team, helping them grow. Trista, on the other hand, enjoyed the experience and found it to be a great way to unwind while learning new knowledge and perspectives. Jimmy and Trista agreed that the opportunity to meet colleagues from different projects and functions was one of the program’s highlights. They felt that communication and coordination between departments has become more efficient after completing the program. 領導能力發展課程 Leadership Development Program (LDP) 領導能力發展課程是一系列專 案,旨在支援我們的關鍵人才在 其領導力發展之旅的各個階段上 進行提升。 The Leadership Development Program is a series of acceleration programs designed to support our key talents in various stages of their leadership development journey in Hang Lung. 在 LDP 期間,學員需要自主尋找 一個特定課題展開研習,大家運用 所學所得,互取所長 During the LDP, all participants were required to engage in self-directed learning by completing a challenge project on a specific topic, which gave them the opportunity to learn and share knowledge with each other Trista 舉例指出,過往同事求助時,她習慣給 予答案,現在則會站高兩個階梯上看全局, 再透過問題引導同事思考方案,「我向團隊 提供答案,團隊就永遠只有一個處事方法, 但假如我向團隊發問很多『為甚麼』時,就可 引發不同的思考。例如團隊正設法進一步提升 公司物業管理系統的使用率,以往做法都是到 項目上推廣及向前線同事提供培訓,但現在我 們會透過挑戰自己的慣有思維,研究『為甚麼』 有同事不願意使用系統,因此發現根源問題是 系統的穩定性及功能有待提高,從而調整團隊 工作重心至系統升級,解決根源問題,避免 『治標不治本』,這樣可讓工作更高效。」 在八個月的課程裡,學員除兼顧日常繁重的 工作,也需圍繞一個課題展開研習,對於 如何有暇分身處理不同事務, Jimmy 表示, 「一方面提高自身的時間管理能力,另一方面 也讓我學會怎樣下放授權團隊,讓他們發揮獨 當一面的機會,這對我來說是實踐所學的管理 理論,團隊同時也得到了鍛煉,相得益彰。」 Trista 則表示自己享受其中,笑指「做這個 研習本身已經是調劑自己,過程很開心,可以 吸收其他人的思維及知識。」 除了知識上的收穫, Jimmy 和 Trista 異口同聲 表示,課程中的另外一個收穫是可以與來自 五湖四海的同事交流,大家不只分享工作的 所得,也聊及生活上的瑣事,「很明顯地感受 到在完成課程後,各項目的溝通協調變得更有 效率。」 Trista (前排左二)表示,將課程學到的知識與所屬團隊分享,有助提升工作效益 Trista (front row, 2 nd from the left) said that sharing the knowledge she learned from the program with her team has helped improve work efficiency 14 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 06 2023 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E