Connections Jun 2023 TC

攜手業界夥伴 推進可持續發展進程 Accelerating Progress towards Sustainability Goals through Partnership 恒 隆深明與志同道合的夥伴合作的重 要,以應對重大挑戰並發揮更大的 影響力,推進可持續發展目標。繼去年 10 月 恒隆與 LVMH 集團宣布的可持續發展計劃重 塑了業主與領先零售品牌在可持續發展範疇 的關係,雙方於今年 3 月 30 日正式對外公布 《共同憲章》,奠定雙方深化合作的一個重要 里程碑。《憲章》概述了我們今年於四大範 疇,即應對氣候變化、資源管理、人與福祉 及可持續管治上推進 20 項創新行動。 此外,恒隆進一步加強與清華大學的合作, 雙方共同成立的「清華大學恒隆房地產研究 中心」將重點聚焦可持續發展領域產學研 工作、地產科技的創新應用和人才培養。 同時,恒隆向清華大學教師及研究生啟動 「房地產可持續發展」研究倡議及畢業論文 支持計劃,透過發放研究經費,資助綠色 建築、健康建築、低碳發展、數字化賦能等 創新性研究,推動研究成果的實踐應用。 研究中心自 2010 年成立至今,恒隆已向清華 大學教育基金會捐贈人民幣逾 3,300 萬元。 H ang Lung recognizes the importance of collaborating with like-minded partners to address systemic challenges and amplify positive impacts to accelerate progress towards our sustainability goals. Following the announcement of Hang Lung and LVMH Group’s pioneering and ambitious partnership to collaborate on sustainability initiatives that reimagined the relationship between property owners and leading retail brands in October 2022, the highly anticipated “Common Charter” between Hang Lung and LVMH was officially announced on March 30, marking an important milestone in the deepening collaboration. The Charter outlines 20 actions under four pillars — Climate Resilience, Resource Management, People and Wellbeing, and Sustainability Governance — that the two groups will implement in 2023. In addition, Hang Lung has further bolstered its collaboration with Tsinghua University. The Hang Lung Center for Real Estate at Tsinghua University jointly established by the two parties will concentrate on industry-university work in the field of sustainability, proptech innovations, and exceptional talent cultivation. The Company has also initiated a “Sustainable Real Estate Scheme” for Tsinghua University teachers and postgraduates, funding their creative academic research on topics including green buildings, healthy buildings, low-carbon development, and digitalization, to promote the application of research findings to daily life. Since the establishment of the Center in 2010, Hang Lung has donated over RMB33 million to the Tsinghua University Education Foundation. #SustainabilityLeadership 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 15 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y