Connections Jun 2023 TC

嘉賓箴言 Guests’ Words of Wisdom 參與計劃的全國女大學生人數 No. of female university students participating in the program ~180 近 180 位學生,其中 75% 是其家庭三代中首位大學生 Around 180 students, and 75% of them are first among three generations in their families to attend university 領袖培訓時數 Leadership training ~3,500 近 3,500 小時 Around 3,500 hours 師友指導時數 Mentorship hours 2,800+ 逾 2,800 小時 Over 2,800 hours 可持續發展實踐項目 Sustainable community projects 4,500+ 31 個項目,涵蓋 10 個聯合國可持續發展目標; 逾 4,500 人受惠 31 projects, covering 10 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, benefiting over 4,500 people 首屆恒隆「她領航」計劃的影響力 The Social Impact of the Inaugural “Hang Lung Future Women Leaders Program” #DiversityInclusion #NurturingNextGen 200 學員分享 Mentees’ Sharing 李美郡 Li Meijun 黃靖 Jane Wong 香港大學 The University of Hong Kong 上海交通大學 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 香港 Hong Kong 上海 Shanghai After the series of activities in the program, my self- assurance has been notably augmented, leading me to firmly believe that women can join forces with other females in the community so as to innovate and create constructive societal impacts.   通過一連串的活動,我的 自信心大大提升,讓我深信 女性時刻都能裝備自己,與身 邊的女性攜手合作、一同創 新,為社會帶來正面的影響。   我獲得了與非常豐富、 多元的人、領域和事物產生 連結的契機。這些連結印證 未來存在無限豐富的可能性。 I had the opportunity to connect with diverse groups of people from different fields. These connections not only empowered me, but also confirmed that the future holds infinite possibilities. 海關關長何珮珊女士 Ms. Louise Ho, Commissioner of Customs and Excise   年青人首先應訂 立現實的理想和目 標,並制定明確和可 行的計劃,善用時間 自我增值,努力奮鬥。 Young people should first have realistic ideals and goals, then formulate a clear and feasible plan to achieve them, and utilize time wisely for self- improvement. 恒隆地產行政 總 裁 盧韋柏先生 Mr. Weber Lo, Chief Executive Officer of Hang Lung Properties   恒隆『她領航』 計劃倡導的人人發 揮所長、建設多元 共融社會的精神,將隨着學員往後在各個崗位上 繼續發揮領導力和影響力而傳承下去。 The ‘Hang Lung Future Women Leaders Program’ advocates the spirit of giving full play to one’s talents and building a society that values diversity and inclusion. This spirit will be widely promoted as these students exercise their leadership and influence in their careers. 17 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y