Connections Jun 2023 TC

#NurturingNextGen #Excellence 「數」造更美好世界 Mathematics for a Better World 數 學是科學的基礎語言,在可持續 發展領域擔當重要角色,包括應對 氣候變化、資源管理和改善人類福祉等。 自 2004 年成立以來,恒隆數學獎致力培 育青年數學人才,啟發了許多中學生, 其中愈來愈多學生運用數學知識在各個 領域貢獻世界,助力可持續發展的研究 和實踐聯合國該範疇的目標:「良好健康 與福祉」、「可持續城市和社區」及 「產業、創新和基礎設施」。 歷屆得獎者中, 2008 年馮俊皓,將數學 應用於基因組學研究,希望了解認知 障礙症及癌症等成因,改進治療方法, 如個性化治療; 2012 年盤沁翹是生物 醫學工程博士生,研究數學模型助癱瘓 病人透過腦機介面與人溝通; 2016 年 鄭慧中是機械生物學博士生,憑藉扎實 的數學根基,她探索生物學、工程學、 化學和物理學的關係,為可持續發展 研究創造新方案; 2006 年鄭卓軒是工程 師,探討如何保持海岸線免受極端天氣 影響。 恒隆數學獎的獨特體驗,讓學生可運用 數學探索新發現,實現聯合國可持續 發展目標,建設更美好世界。 M athematics is the fundamental language of science and plays a crucial role in advancing sustainability research, including climate resilience, resource management, and improving people’s well-being. Hang Lung Mathematics Awards (HLMA) has been committed to nurturing young mathematics talents since its inception in 2004. This commitment has inspired many secondary school students. A growing number of them continue to utilize their mathematics knowledge in various sectors to contribute to sustainability research and the advancement of a better world, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), including “Good Health and Well-being”, “Sustainable Cities and Communities”, and “Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.” Jun-Hou Fung (2008 winner) is applying his mathematics skills in genomics research, hoping to understand the causes of diseases like dementia and cancers to improve treatments such as personalized medicine. Ewina Pun (2012 winner), a Ph.D. candidate in biomedical engineering, develops mathematical models to restore communication for people with paralysis using brain- computer interfaces. Dorothy Cheng (2016 winner) is a Ph.D. candidate in mechanobiology. With a solid foundation in mathematics, she explores the intersection of biology, engineering, chemistry, and physics, contributing to the development of innovative solutions in sustainability research. Jay Cheng (2006 winner), an engineer by training, helps keep our coastline safe from extreme weather, yet another example of HLMA winners contributing to solutions to sustainability challenges. Through the unique and transformative HLMA experience, students can leverage their mathematics skills to make new discoveries and meaningful contributions towards achieving UNSDGs and help build a better future for all. 左起:馮俊皓、 盤沁翹、鄭慧中 和鄭卓軒 From left: Jun-Hou Fung, Ewina Pun, Dorothy Cheng, and Jay Cheng 18 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 06 2023 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y