Connections Jun 2023 TC
上海港匯恒隆廣場特別聯動《劇院魅影》,為顧客表演經典音樂劇曲目 Grand Gateway 66 in Shanghai delighted customers with performances showcasing scenes from the timeless musical “The Phantom of the Opera” 上海恒隆廣場於今年 4 月首次舉辦「 Game of Wonder 」活動,將商場轉化為春日樂園, 以創意遊戲裝置、抽獎及專屬會員禮遇等, 讓顧客沉浸於一個充滿奇妙的購物旅程。 Plaza 66 in Shanghai launched its first-ever “Game of Wonder” campaign in April, transforming the mall into a Spring wonderland. The event featured engaging and creative game booths, lucky draws and exclusive member privileges for customers to enjoy on their fun shopping journey. 上海恒隆廣場 的春日樂園 「 Game of Wonder 」 Spring Wonderland “Game of Wonder” at Plaza 66, Shanghai 商場中庭的裝置,成為顧客的打卡點 The installation in the mall’s atrium became a popular check-in point for customers 上海港匯恒隆廣場在 5 月 20 日當天將商場中央化身 成華麗劇院,演出經典音樂劇《劇院魅影》(港譯: 《歌聲魅影》)片段。活動特別邀請到《劇院魅影》 (倫敦西區)演員 Earl Carpenter 先生,為全場 觀眾帶來膾炙人口的經典曲目「 The Music of the Night 」,讓顧客在商場購物消閒的同時,亦可體驗 經典藝術的魅力。 On May 20, Grand Gateway 66 in Shanghai transformed the mall’s main atrium into a stunning theater, bringing customers performances featuring scenes from the timeless musical “The Phantom of the Opera”. Mr. Earl Carpenter, a cast member of the West End production of “The Phantom of the Opera,” was invited to perform the classic song “The Music of the Night” for the audience, allowing customers to experience the beloved musical in person and adding an enjoyable new experience to the malls shopping and leisure offering. #UniqueBrandedExperience 《劇院魅影》歌聲響徹 上海港匯恒隆廣場 Echoes of The Phantom of the Opera at Grand Gateway 66, Shanghai 7 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E
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