Connections Sep 2023 SC

市场推广活动的背后 , 是一个个引人 入胜的故事 。 上海港汇恒隆广场高级 经理—市场推广李诗文( Eva )每年 负责筹办多场旗舰活动 , 当中包括与 国际巨星 Alicia Keys 及《剧院魅影》 中饰演“魅影”一角的英国演员 、 制作人 Earl Carpenter 的合作 。 经过数百场活动的千锤百炼 , Eva 笑指自己也经历了一场蜕变 , 在处理 事情时懂得择善固执 , 学懂“坚持 、 沟通和合作”是突围而出的诀窍 。 之所以有此领悟 , 要从她还在复旦 大学修读工商管理硕士课程( MBA ) 时说起 。 当时 Eva 获得往巴黎当 交换生的机会 , 于是毅然辞职负笈 当地修读奢侈品管理 。 读书之余 , 她游逛大小博物馆 , 享受“流动的 艺文盛宴” , 或坐在塞纳河畔 , 静观 大千世界的流转 。 获取 MBA 后 , 她于 2019 年重新加入上海港汇恒隆广场 , “我的格局观开阔了 , 心态上变得 更从容和坦然 , 你看的东西越多 , 包容性就越强 。 ” Eva 续说 , 包容性也体现在活动的 意义上 , 即不再是为顾客带来展览 打卡的单一功能 , 更在于透过活动的 陈列及策划传达一些讯息 , 并思考 完成活动后怎样在社区延续其影响 , “当我们愿意放开自己 , 接收市场 不同的讯息 , 才可以真正为顾客带来 独特的体验 。 ” become a major focus for every company, Eva believes that while some may perceive the consumer-driven nature of mall events as conflicting with the concept of sustainability, she sees the true essence of sustainability not in curtailing consumption but advocating a sustainable lifestyle. She shared the notable example of Grand Gateway 66’s exclusive collaboration with Disney for the “Pixar Fluffy Festival” last winter. After the event, as suggested by the management team, the Pixar toys used as decorations, along with over 1,000 items given by the HOUSE 66 members were donated to underprivileged children in Shanxi, as a way to demonstrate how resources can be sustainably utilized as the mall joined hands with customers to share festive joy with the wider community. The event also expanded to other Hang Lung malls, with Heartland 66 in Wuhan serving as the inaugural pilot. 当我们愿意放开自己 , 接收 市场不同的讯息 , 才可以真正为 顾客带来独特的体验 。 EVA 以客为尊 惠泽人群 Achieving Customer-Centricity while Benefiting People in Need Eva 喜欢旅游 , 透过感受不同地方的风土人情 , 保持自己对市场的敏锐洞察力 Eva’s passion for travel keeps her sharp in understanding the market by experiencing the customs and cultures of different places Eva 举例指 , 现在每家企业都很着重 可持续发展的概念 , 大家会认为商场 活动的消费模式与这概念是水火 不容 。 其实不然 , 可持续发展的原意 不是限制大家不消费 , 而是倡导一种 可持续生活模式 , “所以在筹备活动 时 , 也希望将这种讯息融入其中 。 例如去年圣诞节时 , 我们与迪士尼独 家合作举办‘ Pixar Fluffy Festival ’ , 将 人气 Pixar 角色的毛绒玩具装饰商场每 一个角落 。 活动结束后 , 我们管理层 提议将这些玩偶联同逾百位‘恒隆会’ 会员共同捐赠的 1,000 多份物品 , 一起 转赠给近千位山西留守儿童 , 为他们 带来冬日温情 , 也可善用资源 。 ” “ Pixar Fluffy Festival ”引起的回响 , 也令上海港汇恒隆广场决定将此项目 延伸至恒隆在其他城市的商场上 , 而武汉恒隆广场是首个试点 。 Eva Li, Senior Manager — Marketing Department, Grand Gateway 66, Shanghai, has got extensive experience in planning and rolling out flagship events, featuring renowned figures like Alicia Keys. Following her semester as an exchange student in Paris during her MBA studies at Fudan University, Eva underwent a transformative experience that instilled in her a profound perspective of the value of resilience, effective communication, and collaboration. Her expanded perspective significantly enriches the events she curates. Highlighting that sustainability has In order to truly provide customers with a unique experience, it is essential that we are open to appreciating diverse perspectives within the market. 12 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 09 2023 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E