Connections Sep 2023 SC

#ResourceManagement 恒隆与 SOS 和国际十字路会合作展开 首阶段全面资源利用计划 (左起)国际十字路会环球分派中心 营运经理何万祈先生 、 恒隆地产 董事—人力资源及行政潘舜雅女士 、 SOS 总经理 Pamela Hinton 女士 Hang Lung teamed-up with SOS and Crossroads Foundation to roll out the first phase of its holistic resource utilization scheme (From left) Mr. Markus Oetiker, Global Distribution Operations Manager of Crossroads Foundation, Ms. Janet Poon, Director – Human Resources & Administration of Hang Lung Properties, and Ms. Pamela Hinton, General Manager of SOS 恒隆与环保初创公司及非牟利机构携手 推动香港循环经济 Hang Lung Teams Up with Green Startup and NGO to Shape Circularity in Hong Kong 恒 隆在今年五月启动香港办公室焕新 项目 , 旨在为员工缔造更优质和舒适的 工作环境 , 改善福祉 。 为了确保资源得以 善用 , 践行公司在资源管理范畴定下的 2025 年可持续发展指标 , 以及 2030 年可持续发展 目标及指标 , 从而加快香港转型至循环 经济 , 我们伙拍香港环保初创公司 Sustainable Office Solutions ( SOS )和 非牟利机构国际十字路会 , 展开项目首阶段 的全面资源利用计划 , 重新利用 、 分配及 回收超过 3,200 件办公室家私及设备 , 成功 减少堆填区废物近 140,000 公斤 , 及避免超过 510 吨的碳排放 , 相当于 3,000 多程来往香港 及新加坡的航班所产生的碳排放 。 H ang Lung began its Hong Kong Office Rejuvenation Project in May this year, with the aim of creating a compelling and comfortable workplace that promotes employee wellbeing. To ensure effective resource utilization as part of our commitment to the 2025 Sustainability Targets we set for resource management and to our 2030 Sustainability Goals and Targets, we partnered with Hong Kong-based green startup Sustainable Office Solutions (SOS) and Crossroads Foundation, a local non-profit organization, to roll out the first phase of the holistic resource utilization scheme for the project. Promoting the transition to a circular economy in Hong Kong, we have seen over 3,200 items of office resources being reused, redistributed, or recycled, successfully diverting nearly 140,000 kg of waste from landfills and avoiding more than 510 tons of carbon emissions–the equivalent of the carbon emissions generated by over 3,000 flights between Hong Kong and Singapore. 处理超过 3,200 件 办公室家私及设备 Processed over 3,200 office resource items 减少近 140,000 公斤 都市固体废物 Reduced nearly 140,000 kg in municipal waste 避免超过 510 吨碳排放 Avoided more than 510 tons of carbon emissions 182 件办公室家私及 设备捐赠予 14 家 非牟利机构 182 office resource items donated to 14 NGOs CO 15 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y