Connections Sep 2023 SC

助视障青年展潜能 Unleashing the Potential of Visually Impaired Youths 香港特区政府劳工及福利局局长孙玉菡先生 , JP (左二)与恒隆地产首席财务总监赵家驹先生(右二)一同颁发“恒隆视障人士奖学及发展金”予首批获奖的杰出青年 Mr. Sun Yuk Han, Chris, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the HKSAR Government (2 nd from left), joined Mr. Kenneth Chiu, Chief Financial Officer of Hang Lung Properties (2 nd from right) to present the inaugural “Hang Lung Scholarship and Development Donation for the Visually Impaired” 为 成就视障人士的多元发展 , 推动社会共融 , 恒隆在今年二月 捐资港币 3,000 万元 , 与心光盲人院暨 学校合作设立 “恒隆视障人士奖学及 发展金” , 支援在该校学术表现 、 专业 发展 、 社会承担等方面有杰出表现的 学生及毕业生 。 首届奖学金共有 15 位 视障青年获得嘉许 , 他们将继续进修 及发展事业 , 为社会作出贡献 。 T o support the holistic development of visually impaired individuals and help achieve diversity and inclusivity within the community, Hang Lung donated HK$30 million in February this year and partnered with the Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired to establish “The Hang Lung Scholarship and Development Donation for the Visually Impaired” . The scholarship aims to aid students and graduates from the Ebenezer School who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance, drive for professional development, and social commitment. The inaugural scholarship awarded commendations to 15 youths with visual impairment, enabling them to continue their education and pursue career development, with the ultimate goal of contributing to the growth and wellbeing of society. 获奖学生心声 Award-Winning Students’ Sharings 获得奖学金对我来说意义 重大 , 不仅缓解了我的经济 压力 , 也让我能专注于学业和 个人成长方面的发展 。 感谢 恒隆和心光对我的努力给予认 可和鼓励 , 让我更有信心和动 力继续砥砺前行 。 This scholarship means so much to me. It alleviates my financial burden while allowing me to pursue academic and personal growth. I am grateful to Hang Lung and Ebenezer for recognizing my past efforts and encouraging me to progress with confidence. 作为视障人士 , 我能以独特的方式感知世界 , 这让我成为音乐家 , 演奏和创作出与众不同的 歌曲 。 获颁此奖学金后 , 我计划参加由专业演 唱家指导的硕士课程 , 提升我的歌唱和表演技 巧 。 我立志以我的表演温暖每一个人的心灵 , 并将我的音乐知识传承给下一代 。 As a visually impaired person, I am able to perceive the world in a unique way which has empowered me to become a musician who can perform and compose songs beyond the ordinary. With the scholarship, I plan to attend various master classes hosted by professional singers to advance my singing techniques and performance skills. I am determined to warm people’s hearts with my performances and pass on my musical knowledge to the next generation. 萧凯恩 Siu Hoi Yan 香港演艺学院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 王梓丞 Wong Tsz Shing 香港大学 The University of Hong Kong 16 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 09 2023 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y