Connections Sep 2023 SC

#NurturingNextGen #Excellence 恒隆数学奖得奖者专访系列 启迪潜能 塑造事业菁英 Interview Series with HLMA Winners HLMA Empowers Winners for Career Success W e were delighted to reconnect with two past winners of Hang Lung Mathematics Awards (HLMA) Darren Wan and Toby Ng during a recent HLMA event. Darren and Toby, two members of a four-student team that won the Bronze Award at 2008 HLMA, revealed how their experiences in the competition impacted their university studies, as well as their career choices and advancements. 我 们很高兴在早前的恒隆数学奖活动中 , 与往届得奖者温智聪和伍锋明重聚 。 他们 连同另外两位同学组队参加 2008 年恒隆数学奖 , 并勇夺铜奖 。 他们的参赛经历对日后大学学业 , 乃至事业选择与发展大有助益 。 温智聪现职友邦保险精算师 。 参加比赛 磨练出其分析力 , 让他能清晰表达抽象 数学概念 。 他工作上需要运用数学技巧 处理大量数据 , 扎实的数理知识和思维 成为其职场发展的优势 。 Darren is currently an insurance actuary at AIA. He attributed his analytical skills and ability to articulate abstract mathematical concepts clearly to his experience with HLMA. His role requires him to use mathematical skills to process a large amount of data, so his solid foundation in mathematics contributed to his career development. 伍锋明现任摩根大通企业及投资银行股权技术部 副总裁 。 参加恒隆数学奖的经历令他决定大学主修 数学与信息工程 。 工作上 , 他需运用数理思维去 编写与交易相关的程式 。 坚实的数学根基使他能够 轻松理解用户需求 , 并将抽象的数学概念化为实用 的解决方案 。 Toby now serves as the Vice President, CIB Equity Technology at J.P. Morgan. He shared that his HLMA experience inspired him to major in mathematics and information engineering at university. In his work, he is responsible for designing transaction-related applications using his mathematical thinking skills. His strong foundation in mathematics allows him to understand users’ needs easily and to translate abstract mathematical concepts into practical solutions. 两位得奖者的经历彰显了恒隆数学奖在启迪青年 潜能 , 促成其事业卓越发展的重要角色 。 The experiences of our two HLMA winners are an affirmation of HLMA’s important role in unlocking the potential of young people and fostering career advancements. 足本版访问内容 Full interview 伍锋明 Toby Ng 2008 年恒隆数学奖铜奖 Bronze Award winner of 2008 HLMA 温智聪 Darren Wan 2008 年恒隆数学奖铜奖 Bronze Award winner of 2008 HLMA 2023 年恒隆数学奖得奖者将于 12 月中公布 。 请留意我们的官方网站 、 Facebook 和 Instagram 。 The winners of 2023 HLMA will be announced in mid-December. Stay tuned to our website, Facebook and Instagram for updates. 18 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 09 2023 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y