Connections Sep 2023 SC

奖 项 与 荣 誉 A W A R D S A N D H O N O R S 中国卓越管理公司 CHINA BEST MANAGED COMPANIES 恒隆地产连续三年获德勤中国评选为“中国卓越管理 公司” , 彰显了业界对我们卓越管理理念与经营水准 的持续认可 。 Hang Lung Properties has been named among companies on Deloitte’s “China Best Managed Companies” list for the third consecutive year, in a nod to our advanced management philosophy and excellent business performance. 香港投资者关系大奖 INVESTOR RELATIONS AWARDS 香港绿色和可持续贡献大奖 2023 HONG KONG GREEN AND SUSTAINABILITY CONTRIBUTION AWARDS 2023 恒隆地产荣获香港品质保证局颁发“杰出可持续发展 物业超卓贡献大奖(房地产)—推动绿色环保” , 旗下 20 个香港物业亦同获颁发“可持续发展物业贡献 金章—推动绿色环保” , 肯定我们在推广可持续 发展建筑的努力 。 Hang Lung Properties and its 20 Hong Kong properties have received the “Outstanding Award for Excellent Contribution to Sustainable Property (Real Estate) – Promote Environmental Protection” and “Gold Seal for Contribution to Sustainable Property – Promote Environmental Protection” from the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, in recognition of our continual focus on promoting sustainable buildings. “模范保安员”奖励计划 / 西九龙最佳保安服务选举 MODEL SECURITY GUARDS AWARD / KOWLOON WEST BEST SECURITY SERVICES AWARDS 恒隆地产的前线员工分别获香港警方嘉许为“模范保安员”及 “最佳保安员” , 表扬他们在提供卓越保安服务方面的杰出表现 , 秉持我们为顾客 、 租户和邻近社区提供健康和安全环境的承诺 。 Members of Hang Lung Properties’ frontline staff have been awarded the title of “Model Security Guards” and “Outstanding Security Personnel Award” by the Hong Kong Police Force. The awards recognize their provision of exceptional security services to uphold our commitment to providing a healthy and safe environment for our customers, tenants, and members of the wider community we operate in. 恒隆地产在香港投资者关系协会举办的第九届香港投资者关系 大奖中荣获“最佳投资者关系公司(大型股)”及“最佳投资者 关系专员(大型股)”两项殊荣 , 肯定公司致力与投资者保持 紧密及高透明度的沟通 。 Hang Lung Properties achieved the “Best IR Company – Large Cap” and “Best IR by IRO (Investor Relations Officer) – Large Cap” awards at the 9 th Investor Relations Awards, organized by the Hong Kong Investor Relations Association, reaffirming our unwavering commitment to maintaining strong and transparent communications with investors. “模范保安员”—淘大商场 “Model Security Guards” – Amoy Plaza “最佳保安员”— 家乐坊及雅兰中心 “Outstanding Security Personnel Award” – Gala Place and Grand Plaza 19 奖 项 与 荣 誉 A W A R D S A N D H O N O R S