Connections Sep 2023 SC

恒 隆广场会员计划“恒隆会”今年开启形象 焕新 , 升级一系列会员尊享权益和礼遇 。 在 9 月 1 日至 10 月 6 日期间于内地十个恒隆广场举办 “炫境新启”庆祝活动 , 当中包括“ 66 °新动时刻” 游戏装置 、 精选积分奖赏 、 雪糕派发 , 还有各项 会员独有的体验 , 实践恒隆“以客为尊”的宗旨 。 焕新之际 , “恒隆会”亦将每月特定一天定为“恒享 惊喜日” , 会员可于当日解锁限定奖励及独享商户 礼遇和体验 , 增加商户和会员互动 , 促进商户客 流量 。 同时推出星级联盟伙伴礼遇 , 与全国跨界 伙伴包括美酒佳肴 、 酒店旅游 、 信用卡以及文化 艺术等不同行业紧密合作 , 全方位满足会员的 生活品味 。 今年恒隆广场举办的年度贵宾盛会也如约而至 , 于活动期间呈现无锡恒隆广场“ TAKE CENTER STAGE ” 、 武汉恒隆广场“ BE MY HEARTLAND ” 、 沈阳市府恒隆广场 11 周年庆的盛装派对 , 商户会 借此机会展示独家限定产品 , 并设立摊位与尊贵 会员互动 。 另外 , “恒隆会”计划推出全新小程序 , 整合十大 项目的内容 , 提供更丰富及流畅的体验 , 更方便 了解会员权益 、 最新推广及跨场活动等 , 呈现 更多惊喜 。 H ang Lung’s customer relationship management (CRM) program, HOUSE 66, has unveiled a visual refresh along with an upgraded suite of member privileges. To celebrate the launch, 10 Hang Lung malls on the Mainland are hosting a campaign from September 1 to October 6, offering interactive installations, point rewards, ice cream giveaways and member-exclusive experiences that express Hang Lung’s commitment to customer-centricity. Beyond the celebrations, members can use points to unlock rewards while enjoying special tenant privileges and experiences on one dedicated day each month, encouraging tenant-member interaction. HOUSE 66 is also facilitating cross-sector collaborations with food and beverage, hotels, arts and culture, and credit card partners to provide specially curated offers to elevate members’ quality of life. Additionally, a series of signature events will take place throughout the campaign period, including “TAKE CENTER STAGE” at Center 66, Wuxi; “BE MY HEARTLAND” at Heartland 66, Wuhan; and the 11 th anniversary event at Forum 66, Shenyang. Tenants will take this opportunity to showcase exclusive products and engage with prestigious members. HOUSE 66 is also planning to launch a brand-new mini program, consolidating information about all 10 malls to offer a smoother digital experience. It would allow an easier understanding of member privileges, promotions, and cross-mall activities, offering surprises at every turn. “恒隆会”会员卡的新设计加入了不同层次的颜色及质感 , 增添时尚格调 The membership cards for HOUSE 66 have been redesigned in vibrant colors and textured patterns, giving a distinctly contemporary and sophisticated feel “ 66 °新动时刻”游戏互动装置 , 通过玩趣交互的多媒体互动 , 让会员拥有沉浸式的惊喜体验 Interactive installations, shaped to resemble our “66” emblem, will offer immersive member experiences with surprises EMERALD 绿宝会员 AMBER 琥珀会员 CRYSTAL 水晶会员 SAPPHIRE 蓝宝会员 RUBY 红宝会员 “恒隆会”形象焕新 升级会员专属体验 HOUSE 66 Celebrates Brand Refresh and Member Experience Enhancements 7 恒 隆 脉 搏 H L P U L S E