Connections Sep 2023 SC

#CustomerCentricity 菲力猫扮演成飞行员的角色 , 以别开生面的形象示人 Felix the Cat portrayed the role of a pilot, showcasing a distinctive persona 展览以时空穿梭为概念 The exhibition was conceptualized around the theme of time and space travel 内地七个城市的恒隆广场汇聚环球影业经典 角色 , 为炎夏注入潮流活动和艺术想像 , 为顾客塑造打卡新体验 Seven Hang Lung malls in mainland China gave the summer months an exciting artistic twist in a collaboration with Universal Studios that saw classic characters from the silver screen come to life in creative settings, giving customers an engaging check-in experience 威利身穿经典的红色条纹图案 Wally donned his iconic red striped pattern 9 恒 隆 脉 搏 H L P U L S E