Connections Sep 2023 TC

Viki (右二)協助主管統籌「地產與氣候論壇:恒隆與 LVMH 集團可持續發展合作」活動 Viki (2 nd from right) supported her supervisor on coordinating the event of “Real Estate and Climate Forum: Co-Creation with LVMH” 同時他們也有興趣了解更多恒隆作為 地產發展商如何發揮影響力,推動可 持續發展的進程。我也藉此平台和同 行保持交流,分享了公司在範圍三方 面推動價值鏈上下游中各持份者的工 作。例如在上游範圍,我們會把關承 判商在材料上的選用;下游方面,我 們會攜手租戶探討制定可持續合作方 案,如廢棄物資源利用及能源效益 管理上的最適切方案。」 2022 年,恒隆與 LVMH 集團簽訂 可持續發展協議, Viki 作為可持續 發展組的一員,協助主管於雙方簽署 協議後的一個月內成功統籌及舉行 首屆地產與氣候論壇。會後她與組員 將來自各領域翹楚的構思落實到公司 各部門的項目實踐上,達至恒隆和 LVMH 承諾於 2025 年底前攜手推進 可持續發展進程。 對於如何爭取公司上下一心的支持, Viki 表示,「我們需要設立清晰的 框架,讓大家有序可循,並加強各 崗位的培訓工作,確保所有人都能 切實參與其中推動可持續發展。」 Sustainability not only benefits future generations but also directly impacts our lives. Viki Du, Senior Manager – Sustainability, shed light on the increasing emphasis corporates are placing on sustainability. She put it concisely that sustainability not only benefits our future generations but also has a direct impact on our lives. With an academic background in Environmental Engineering, Viki is passionate about empowering individuals to actively participate in sustainability initiatives. Since joining Hang Lung in 2021, she has been entrusted with various projects. She was nominated by her supervisor and elected as the Co-Chair for the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Shanghai Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) topical forum in Shanghai. During the two-year term period, she has participated in various ULI ESG events and conferences, where she had the privilege to moderate the ESG panel discussion. Viki also successfully supported her supervisor on coordinating the inaugural Real Estate and Climate Forum within a month after the signing of the sustainability partnership agreement between Hang Lung and LVMH Group. Following the event, Viki underscored the importance of implementing a clear framework and providing comprehensive training to empower employees at all levels to join the journey towards achieving progress in sustainability together to the end of 2025. 11 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E