Connections Sep 2023 TC

要把一個已經很成功的活動重新在 另一個城市上演,在保持話題熱度 難免需下一番功夫。武漢恒隆廣場 市場推廣經理周津津( Janet )表示, 當團隊知道「 Pixar Fluffy Festival 」 移師武漢恒隆廣場時,大家都非常 雀躍,「但我們也明白要在武漢舉辦 這個活動並不只是『複製及貼上』, 還需要加入創新的思維,才能令活動 取得成功。」 Janet 在湖北土生土長, 了解當地人愛熱鬧的 性格,令她在設計活動 推廣上更得心應手 A native of Hubei, Janet effortlessly excels in designing and promoting events, leveraging her understanding of the locals’ love for lively celebrations The local team’s exposure and network naturally fell short of Shanghai’s due to the disparity in city prominence. However, with our management team’s support, we were empowered to tap into some of Shanghai’s premium resources. JANET 「滬」動推廣 同一個項目 不一樣的巧思 Igniting Creativity across Two Cities with One Project 由於城市級別的 不同,我們在武漢項目 上接觸到的面和範圍 肯定是不及上海的, 但在管理層的支持下, 我們本地團隊有機會 接觸到上海一些比較好 的資源。 「 Pixar Fluffy Festival 」活動在上海 舉行時,正值聖誕節;來到武漢時, 時值春天櫻花正盛, Janet 表示, 「聖誕樹肯定是不能再用了,但我們 保留了活動的核心裝置,再配以全新的 演繹方式,帶給顧客一種耳目一新的 感覺,例如在場內做了很多玻璃貼, 也在廣場做了一個發光的拱門裝置, 配合廣場外主幹道上一個輕軌站,就像 歡迎客人通過這個拱門,進入到一個 Fluffy 的世界一樣。」 為期一個多月的活動,商場的人流平均 增加了三成。 Janet 有感而發說,「由於 城市級別的不同,我們在武漢項目上 接觸到的面和範圍肯定是不及上海的, 但在管理層的支持下,我們本地團隊有 機會接觸到上海一些比較好的資源。 就像在這次活動的傳媒專享會上,大家 覺得這才是恒隆為武漢帶來的水準, 意思是我們利用了恒隆集團的資源 優勢,集結各城市的大成,為武漢市場 帶來了耳目一新的獨家資源。」 Upon learning that the “Pixar Fluffy Festival” would be replicated at the mall of Heartland 66, Janet Zhou, Manager – Marketing Department, Heartland 66, Wuhan, recognized that a mere copy-and-paste approach would not suffice. Understanding the necessity for innovative thinking, the team embarked on a mission to ensure the event’s resounding success. Janet elaborated on their strategic approach, explaining how they skillfully preserved the essence of the event while infusing it with a breath of fresh air, such as by integrating glass stickers throughout the mall and creating a mesmerizing luminous arch installation. The results were remarkable, as the mall witnessed a 30% increase in footfall over the span of a month. Janet reflected, “the local team’s exposure and network naturally fell short of Shanghai’s due to the disparity in city prominence. However, with our management team’s support, we were empowered to tap into some of Shanghai’s premium resources.” #HangLungPeople 13 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E