Connections Sep 2023 TC

#ThoughtLeadership 恒隆推動可持續發展變革 Hang Lung Accelerates Transformative Changes for Sustainability R eThink HK 是香港可持續發展界最矚目的 盛事之一。作為今年活動的 Tier 1 贊助商, 我們針對多個可持續發展議題分享獨特見解。 R eThink HK is one of Hong Kong’s best-attended events for sustainable development. As a Tier 1 sponsor of this year’s event, we shared our unique perspectives on a range of sustainability topics. 副董事―可持續發展 John Haffner 先生在 「超越 界限:加速價值鏈碳減排」 專題討論中,分享了企業 有效減碳之見: 1. 爭取高管的參與,盡早取得內部支持。 2. 與內外部持份者協作。 3. 從試點項目着手,隨時作出調整。 Mr. John Haffner, Deputy Director – Sustainability, shared the challenges we faced on our decarbonization journey as well as some tips in the Beyond the Scope: Accelerating Decarbonization Across the Value Chain panel session: 1. Engage top management and seek internal buy-in early. 2. Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders. 3. Start with pilots. Be ready to iterate. 總 經理―集團傳訊 馬寶明女士在 「重新思考 新常態下的職場文化」 專題 討論中表示,新常態下 締造以目的感為本的企業 文化尤為重要。 In the Rethinking Workplace Culture in the New Normal panel session, Ms. Maggie Ma, General Manager – Corporate Communications, spoke about the importance of cultivating a corporate culture driven by a sense of purpose in the new normal. 副董事―內地業務胡惠雅 女士在 「社區建設:締造社會 和經濟價值創造的文化」 專題 討論中,鼓勵所有持份者持續 探索、開拓和影響他人,踏上 這個價值共創之旅。 In the Community Making: Creating a Culture for Social and Economic Value Creation panel session, Ms. Vera Wu, Deputy Director – Mainland Business Operation, encouraged everyone involved to keep exploring, pioneering, and influencing others on this value co-creation journey. 副 總 經理―可持續發展 吳嘉雯女士在 「擁抱智慧綠色 城市的未來:綠色解決方案和 材料」 專題討論中,分享了我們 在資源管理方面所採取的方法 和計劃,並強調建築物內外所有使用者的安全至關 重要。 In the Embracing the Future of a Smart Green City: Green Solutions and Materials panel session, Ms. Carmen Ng, Deputy General Manager – Sustainability, shared the approaches and initiatives we took in the resource management aspect, and stressed the importance of safety for all building users, both inside and outside the buildings. 14 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 09 2023 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y