Connections Sep 2023 TC

目 錄 C O N T E N T S 總 編輯: 李晞彤 副編輯: 林丹媛  版權所有Ⓒ 2023 恒隆地產有限公司集團傳訊部, 香港中環德輔道中 4 號,渣打銀行大廈 28 樓 《連繫恒隆》是由恒隆地產集團傳訊部出版, 恒隆地產保留其所有內容之版權。如欲轉載或 引用本刊內容,請在複製內容中註明出處。 Chief Editor: Helen Lee Associate Editor: Phoebe Lam  Copyright©2023 by Corporate Communications Department, Hang Lung Properties Limited, 28/F Standard Chartered Bank Building, 4 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Connections is published by the Corporate Communications Department at Hang Lung Properties Limited. Reproduction of any contents of this publication requires proper acknowledgment. 專 題 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y 3 生力軍加盟 探索無盡可能 A New Force Empowered to Explore Boundless Possibilities 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E 6 恒隆 2023 中期報告出版 Hang Lung 2023 Interim Reports Now Available 「祼買」體驗源頭走「塑」 “Shop Naked” and Go Plastic-Free 7 「恒隆會」形象煥新 升級會員專屬體驗 HOUSE 66 Celebrates Brand Refresh and Member Experience Enhancements 8 與環球影業經典角色歡度潮流盛夏 Summer Excitement with Characters from Universal Studios 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E 10 啟迪員工潛能 凝聚團隊共榮 Collective Success through Employee Empowerment 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 14 恒隆推動可持續發展變革 Hang Lung Accelerates Transformative Changes for Sustainability 15 恒隆與環保初創公司及非牟利機構攜手  推動香港循環經濟 Hang Lung Teams Up with Green Startup and NGO to Shape Circularity in Hong Kong 16 助視障青年展潛能 Unleashing the Potential of Visually Impaired Youths 17 共創明「 Teen 」力爭上游 Strive and Rise for Upward Mobility 18 恒隆數學獎得獎者專訪系列 啟迪潛能 塑造事業菁英 Interview Series with HLMA Winners HLMA Empowers Winners for Career Success 19 獎 項 與 榮 譽 A W A R D S A N D H O N O R S