Connections Sep 2023 TC

生力軍加盟  探索無盡可能 A New Force Empowered to Explore Boundless Possibilities 今 年夏天,恒隆共有 17 位管理培訓生及 33 位實習生加入在香港及內地多個城市 的團隊,我們藉着多元化的活動, 讓這批「新鮮人」盡展潛能,開拓職涯的無盡可能。 管理培訓生計劃 我們首次在上海舉辦為期一周的入職培訓,內容 包括: 這些課程加深了管理培訓生對公司使命及業務 發展方向的洞察,並掌握市場趨勢,為他們在 公司的長遠發展建立穩健的根基。 T his summer, Hang Lung welcomed 17 management trainees and 33 interns to join our various teams across Hong Kong and the Mainland. Through a range of multifaceted activities, this batch of “freshmen” have been empowered with the skills and confidence to unleash their potential and explore the boundless possibilities in their career development. These courses enhanced MTs’ understanding of the Company’s mission and business direction, providing them with insights into market trends to establish a solid foundation for their long-term growth within the Company. Management Trainee (MT) Program We organized the first week-long orientation training in Shanghai, which included: 自我認知與 團隊溝通 Self-awareness and Team communication 實地考察 公司營運項目 Site visit to Company portfolios 與管理層深度對話 Dialogue with management 體系化探究業務營運模式 The operation and function briefings 職場禮儀 Workplace etiquette 商務寫作 Business writing skills 3 專 題 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 09 2023 專 題 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y