Connections Sep 2023 TC

2023 屆管理培訓生 Management Trainee 2023 公司的培訓課程,例如商業 禮儀和商務寫作,幫助我 快速銜接到商業領域所需的 技巧。 The training courses provided by the Company, such as business etiquette and business writing skills, have honed my professional skills. Bianca Chan 我是 2022 年的實習生,有了這個 經驗,讓我可以將當時學到的 技能轉換到現時管理培訓生的 工作上;加入公司短短一個多月, 我已有機會擔任不同活動的司儀, 增強了我的演講技巧及信心。 As a previous intern in 2022, I acquired skills that I now utilize as a management trainee. Within the short span of just over a month at the Company, I had the opportunity to emcee for different events, enhancing my speaking skills and confidence. Sebastian Wong 我相信通過在商場租賃、綜合服 務部以及市場部的輪崗學習後, 我能從不同角度去看待商業地產 的營運模式,並在與不同部門 同事的交流中,鍛煉自己的 學習力和領導力。 I believe that after my rotations in Retail Leasing, Service Delivery and Marketing Department, I am able to understand how we operate our business from different perspectives. Moreover, during communications with colleagues from various departments, I have enhanced my leadership skills and learning capabilities. Cecile Zhang #YoungTalent Project Greenboard As we nurture young talents, we also prioritize their awareness in community wellbeing. This year, our management trainees and interns took the lead in an inspiring initiative titled “ Project Greenboard ”, delivering over 20 free classes to over 200 underprivileged children aged 6-12 in Hong Kong and 9 cities across Mainland. 恒隆綠黑板計劃 在培養青年人才的過程中,我們也 注重他們對社區福祉的關注。今年 管理培訓生及實習生共同籌備「 恒隆 綠黑板計劃 」義工日,同一天內在 香港及內地 9 個城市為 6-12 歲的兒童 提供超過 20 節免費課程。 5 專 題 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y