Connections Sep 2023 TC

#CustomerCentricity 菲力貓扮演成飛行員的角色, 以別開生面的形象示人 Felix the Cat portrayed the role of a pilot, showcasing a distinctive persona 展覽以時空穿梭為概念 The exhibition was conceptualized around the theme of time and space travel 內地七個城市的恒隆廣場匯聚環球影業經典 角色,為炎夏注入潮流活動和藝術想像, 為顧客塑造打卡新體驗 Seven Hang Lung malls in mainland China gave the summer months an exciting artistic twist in a collaboration with Universal Studios that saw classic characters from the silver screen come to life in creative settings, giving customers an engaging check-in experience 威利身穿經典的紅色條紋圖案 Wally donned his iconic red striped pattern 9 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E