Connections Dec 2023 SC

今年的社区共融日以“遨游飞翔”为题 , 带出认知 障碍症患者获得支援后 , 可以自由自在地于社区 生活 , 同时透过社会各界人士携手 , 达致认知 无障碍的愿景 。 恒隆更与淘大商场及康怡广场的 商户携手合作 , 在活动举行期间提供长者消费 优惠 。 于淘大商场的启动礼上 , 两位照顾者代表亦分享 参与计划的得著 , 以及照顾认知障碍症患者的 生活点滴 。 连续三年参与计划的照顾者吴黎宝珍 女士表示 , 计划的活动令患有认知障碍症和双耳 失聪的丈夫重拾兴趣 , 同时也令自己增加社交 、 放松身心 , 减轻照顾压力 。 两位参与计划的照顾者代表分享参与计划的得著 , 以及照顾认知障碍症 患者的生活点滴 Two carer representatives shared their thoughts on the benefits of the program and their experience of caring for dementia patients “认知友善艺术廊”展出超过 140 件由认知障碍症患者 、 照顾者及义工创作的艺术作品 More than 140 works of art co-created by dementia patients, carers and volunteers were displayed at the “Dementia Friendly Art Gallery” 恒隆一心义工向社区人士介绍艺术作品 , 让公众欣赏患者的创作 能力 , 以及唤起对照顾者身心健康的关注 Hang Lung As One volunteers introduced members of the community to the artworks on displays, encouraging the public to appreciate each piece’s creativity while becoming more aware of the physical and mental health challenges of carers 活动设有社区检测站 , 为公众进行免费健脑咨询及 认知检测 , 并为有需要人士提供转介服务 Free brain health consultations and cognitive testing provided information about important community resources and referral services This year’s theme, “Flying Free” shared the message that dementia patients can live freely and flourish in a supportive community. It also expressed a vision for an inclusive, dementia friendly society, which is possible when people from all walks of life work together. Hang Lung and a selection of merchants from Amoy Plaza and Kornhill Plaza also joined hands to offer exclusive shopping concessions to the elderly during the event. At the kick-off ceremony at Amoy Plaza, two carer representatives shared their thoughts on the benefits of the Hang Lung X HKYWCA “Love·No·Limit” Dementia Friendly Program and their experience of caring for dementia patients. Mrs. Ng Lai Po Chun, a carer and a participant in the program for three consecutive years with her husband who is living with dementia and bilateral hearing loss, shared how the program’s activities helped him open up and become more engaged and interested in life. For her, the program has allowed her to relax more and be more socially engaged, helping reduce the stress associated with caregiving. 15 可 持 续 发 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y