Connections Dec 2023 SC

位于昆明市盘龙区 , 紧邻昆明市北京路与东 风路交汇的十字路口 Located at the intersection of Beijing Road and Dongfeng Road in the Panlong District of Kunming City “昆明君悦居”项目特色 Grand Hyatt Residences Kunming Project Highlights 57 28 249 米 meters 高 Height 尺数包括 Diverse Size 提供 Offers 个寓所单位 residential units 254 昆明君悦居 Grand Hyatt Residences Kunming * 设有天际花园及私人泳池 Include sky gardens and private swimming pools 间 units 间 units 间 units 标准单位 Standard Unit 特别单位 Special Unit 顶层单位 * Penthouse Unit 房 Bedrooms 房 Bedrooms 房 Bedrooms “昆明君悦居”项目无缝衔接及贯通昆明恒隆广场 Grand Hyatt Residences Kunming seamlessly connects with and extends into Spring City 66 246 5 3 1-3 3-4 4-5 楼 Floor 楼 Floor 6 连 系 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 12 2023 专 题 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y