Connections Dec 2023 TC

Sophia (第三排右二)表示, CEI 培訓通過圖片和視頻學習及場景演練,讓同事 形象化地了解服務要求的規範性和細緻度 Sophia (3 rd row, 2 nd from the right), emphasized that the CEI training employs visual learning through pictures and videos, along with scenario-based exercises, which enable colleagues to develop a concrete understanding of the standards and intricacies required in delivering exceptional service #HangLungPeople 同時, Sophia 也會將需要改善的 細節,包括工作場景、制服和工具 等拍照製作成影片,在早會時一起 與同事討論,「透過這樣的互動, 大家更清晰地了解到自己可以精益 求精的地方。」 Sophia firmly believes that customer service is not a cryptic concept but a dynamic and ever-evolving process that must keep pace with the times. Implementing a standardized template enables colleagues to adopt a clear and organized approach. According to Sophia, the CEI program is designed to establish consistent service standards that align with those of five-star hotels. This ensures that colleagues understand and implement a level of service that is on par with luxury brands, adhering to professional benchmarks. The program incorporates instructional videos, facilitating better comprehension and a deeper understanding among frontline staff. Sophia emphasizes that exceptional service goes beyond maintaining a clean environment; it encompasses intangible elements such as demeanor CASSIE 一言一行要恰當, 待人接物需體貼, 是謂「以客為尊」。 and grooming. Some colleagues may initially need help expressing themselves and initiating customer interactions. To address this, Sophia and her colleagues lead by example, directly greeting the cleaning staff during their patrols. By doing so, they serve as role models and guide their colleagues on effective ways to greet customers and engage in polite interactions. Sophia highlights the use of scenario training, which employs visual learning through pictures and videos to help colleagues grasp the specific requirements and attention to detail expected in service provision. Role- playing exercises and group activities are also employed, allowing colleagues to assess each other’s grooming standards and provide feedback on any blind spots, ensuring meticulousness in every aspect. 卜文怡( Cassie ) 兩年半前加入上海恒隆 廣場的客戶服務團隊,擔任辦公樓的 客服領班,也是租戶的「管家」之一。 身為地道上海人, Cassie 說話不緩不 疾,笑說這是「職業病」,「當遇到一些 非常棘手的事情時,我們一定要保持 耐心,不能急躁,可能也是工作造就了 我的性格吧!」 Exceptional service goes beyond maintaining a clean environment; it encompasses intangible elements such as demeanor and grooming. Sophia Fan , Assistant Manager – Service Delivery at Olympia 66 in Dalian, has been previously recognized for her exceptional customer service skills, honed during her tenures at renowned five-star hotels. During the launch of Olympia 66, Sophia played a vital role in establishing systematic and professional customer service training. Leveraging her previous experience, she collaborated with department managers to develop and refine the team’s training standards. Sophia also took on the responsibility of training her colleagues to help raise the overall service level within the team. 11 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E