Connections Dec 2023 TC

身為「管家」,需要每事想得周到, Cassie 認為,工作時需要做好每一 項的細節,才能確保品質的一致, 「 CEI 課程中我們將服務行為理論 實踐到每個工作細節中,例如賓客 從車輛停靠安排開始,到大堂門口 的接待,手勢指向的指導,保持 挺直的站姿,事無巨細,一言一行 要恰當,待人接物需體貼,是謂 『以客為尊』。」 Cassie 曾獲「中國金鑰匙聯盟」客戶 服務金鑰匙榮譽,對於待客之道, 別有心得。她認為顧客服務是因時 制宜,包括善用科技提升效率, 例如公司推出辦公樓租戶小程式, 幫助租戶迅速解決一些技術性的 問題,例如是換燈罩預約、會議室 租借等,而同事則發揮更人性化的 貼心服務,提升客戶體驗。說到 最難忘的經歷, Cassie 說是與垃圾 堆裡「尋寶」有關。 原來,曾有租戶遺失了非常重要的 文件,裡面有數十間公司的營業 執照,向 Cassie 查詢時已是三天 之後的事。「我們問了不同同事, 也沒有找到相關文件,於是我決定 到保安室與同事一起回看三天以來 的每一個閉路電視鏡頭,包括一些 死角也來來回回看個徹底,終於 發現速遞員在送貨期間把文件掉到 地上,被清潔人員當作是垃圾 運走。我連忙跑到垃圾房,但清潔 人員沒有印象,只說垃圾房後面有 個小倉庫,我可以自己去翻一下。」 皇天不負有心人, Cassie 終於找到 文件,租戶對此感激不已,還贈送 了她一面錦旗,「當時雖然覺得找到 的機會很渺茫,但也抱着一線 生機,幫到租戶我也很開心。」 Paying attention to every word and action while treating others with thoughtfulness embodies the principle of ‘customer-centricity’. Cassie (中)曾因幫助租戶尋回重要文件而獲贈錦旗 Cassie (middle) was presented with a pennant for her assistance in retrieving a vital document for a tenant Cassie Bu , who joined the customer service team at Plaza 66 in Shanghai over two years ago, has been working as a supervisor and "butler" for tenant services in the office tower. As a "butler," Cassie believes in applying meticulous attention to every detail of her work to ensure consistent quality, which is a key area of focus for the CEI. Reflecting on her participation in the program, she was impressed by how it integrated the service behavior module into every aspect of her work. This includes tasks like arranging parking for guests, welcoming them at the lobby entrance, providing guidance with gestures, maintaining an upright posture, and so on. Cassie believes that paying attention to every word and action while treating others with thoughtfulness embodies the principle of “customer-centricity.” Cassie was honored with the prestigious “Golden Key” award by Golden Key China for her excellence in customer service. She believes that customer service is adaptable and should embrace technological advancements to enhance efficiency. For example, the company has introduced a mobile app for office tenants, helping them quickly address technical issues such as scheduling lampshade replacements or booking meeting rooms. Meanwhile, Cassie and her colleagues also provide personalized and considerate services to elevate the customer experience. When asked about a memorable experience, Cassie recounted a story involving a “treasure hunt” in the garbage pile. It turned out that a tenant had lost a critically important document containing business licenses for numerous companies. When the tenant approached Cassie three days later, they had no leads. Determined to assist, Cassie and her colleagues meticulously reviewed all CCTV footage from the past three days, including blind spots. Eventually, they discovered that a courier had dropped the document during the delivery, and the cleaning staff mistakenly disposed of it as trash. Cassie hurriedly searched the garbage room, and although the cleaning staff couldn’t recall the incident, they mentioned a small storage room where Cassie could independently investigate. Fortunately, Cassie located the document and the tenant expressed immense gratitude, even presenting her with a pennant. “At the time, even though the odds of finding it seemed slim, I held onto a glimmer of hope. I was genuinely happy to have been able to assist the tenant.” 12 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 12 2023 恒 隆 人 H A N G L U N G P E O P L E