Connections Dec 2023 TC
恒隆及 LVMH 義工 滬城「童」行 Hang Lung X LVMH Volunteers “Step Up for Good” City Walk 早 前恒隆與 LVMH 在上海攜手合作舉辦首個 關注社會福祉的活動― 「你我『童』行」 城市健步,恒隆地產高級董事―內地業務彭兆輝 先生及 LVMH 集團中國區人力資源高級副 總 裁 容凱晽女士為健步行主持起步禮,帶領義工和 50 位基層兒童一同遊覽滬城風光及歷史建築, 並在各景點前打卡留念,身體力行推廣運動益處。 R ecently, Hang Lung and LVMH jointly organized the first event in support of improving community wellbeing – the “Step Up for Good” City Walk in Shanghai. Mr. Derek Pang, Senior Director – Mainland Business Operation of Hang Lung Properties, along with Ms. Karin Raguin, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, LVMH China, led the volunteers and 50 grassroots children to enjoy the city’s spectacular views and historical buildings while capturing memories at different spots along the route. 恒隆與 LVMH 管理層率領 恒隆一心及 LVMH 集團義 工,與 50 名基層兒童,從上 海恒隆廣場出發,沿淮海中 路步行至上海港匯恒隆廣場 Management from both companies led volunteers from the Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team and LVMH Group, and 50 grassroots children to participate in a walkathon along Middle Huaihai Road, beginning at Plaza 66 and finishing at Grand Gateway 66 #Wellbeing 恒 隆鼓勵員工可持續學習,應對 瞬息萬變的挑戰。今年,恒隆 攜手清華大學恒隆房地產研究中心 首次引進清華大學的課程資源,共 吸引逾 300 名恒隆員工參與,持續 增進其專業和職業發展,推動地產 行業的人才培訓。 早在 2010 年,恒隆與清華大學聯合 成立「清華大學恒隆房地產研究 中心」,專注與房地產領域相關的 學術研究和交流。在未來,恒隆將 繼續深化與清華大學恒隆房地產 研究中心的合作,力爭在領導力 培養、人才招募、房地產領域的 專業培訓等方面取得新的突破, 持續推動企業和行業人才卓越發展。 管理層讚揚同事對於持續學習及個人發展的堅持 Management applauds colleagues’ unwavering dedication to personal development and continuous learning 推動地產行業人才培訓 Promoting Talent Development in the Real Estate Industry A t Hang Lung, we encourage our colleagues to engage in continuous learning to tackle ever- changing market conditions. This year, Hang Lung collaborated with the Hang Lung Center for Real Estate at Tsinghua University to introduce courses and resources from the University for the first time. The initiative attracted over 300 employees, enabling them to enhance their professional and career development and to support talent growth in the real estate industry. In 2010, Hang Lung and Tsinghua University joined forces to create the Hang Lung Center for Real Estate, which aims to foster academic research and facilitate meaningful dialogue within the real estate industry. Looking ahead, Hang Lung is committed to furthering its partnership with the Center and making significant advancements in areas such as leadership development, talent acquisition, and professional training to continue supporting talent development and driving excellence in the real estate industry. 13 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 12 2023
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