Connections Dec 2023 TC

恒 隆自 2021 年起連續三年與香港基督教 女青年會合辦《恒隆 X 女青「智愛無垠」認知 友善計劃―社區共融日》,今年除了淘大商場, 更首次移師康怡廣場舉辦活動。活動設有健腦 諮詢及認知檢測站,免費為長者進行認知測試及 介紹社區資源,以及為有需要人士提供轉介 服務,同時展出由認知障礙症患者、照顧者及 義工攜手創作的藝術品。活動共吸引逾 19,700 名 社區人士及認知障礙症患者和照顧者到場參與, 並為超過 280 位社區人士進行認知檢測。 《恒隆 X 女青「智愛無垠」認知友善計劃 ─ 社區共融日》於淘大商場舉行啟動禮 The kick-off ceremony of the Hang Lung X HKYWCA “Love·No·Limit” Dementia Friendly Program – Community Inclusion Day was held at Amoy Plaza. T he Hang Lung X HKYWCA “Love·No·Limit” Dementia Friendly Program – Community Inclusion Day, co-organized for the third consecutive year since 2021 by Hang Lung Properties and the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association, was successfully held at Amoy Plaza and extended to Kornhill Plaza for the first time. Activities, from free brain health consultations and cognitive testing that provided information about important community resources and referral services, to an exhibition of artwork co‑created by dementia patients, carers and volunteers were offered at the event. The event attracted more than 19,700 members of the community, among them dementia patients and their carers, while the complimentary cognitive assessment benefited more than 280 people. 《「智愛無垠」認知友善計劃》三年來的社會效益 Social Impact of the “Love.No.Limit” Dementia Friendly Program Over the Past Three Years 第三度舉辦社區共融日 推廣認知友善社區 Third Community Inclusion Day Promotes a Dementia Friendly Community >1,100 義工服務時數 hours of volunteer services 小時 >930 義工及員工培訓時數 hours of training for volunteers and staff 小時 275 完成「認知友善好友」 培訓 frontline staff completed the “ Dementia Friends ” training program 前線員工 >29,300 認知障礙症家庭及 社區人士參與社區共融日 people from families with dementia and community members joined the Community Inclusion Day 名 >2,200 認知障礙症患者及 其照顧者受惠 dementia patients and their carers benefited from the program 名 14 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 12 2023 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y