Connections Dec 2023 TC

恒隆全國性周年義工日 關愛女性身心健康 Hang Lung Nationwide Volunteer Day Care for Women’s Physical and Mental Health 一 年一度的恒隆全國性周年義工日 今年以 「關愛婦女身心健康」 為 主題,在管理層的帶領下,逾 1,200 名 來自香港和內地 9 個城市的恒隆一心義工 參與活動,讓超過 7,300 位基層婦女及 其子女舒展身心,減輕她們日常面對的 工作及家庭壓力。 在香港,原定的活動受日前的世紀暴雨 影響延期,義工隊邀請了 100 位來自 受雨災影響地區的婦女及其子女到訪 山頂,參與大自然療癒體驗,並在山頂 廣場共晉午餐,透過輕鬆的親子活動, 舒緩他們受雨災影響後的情緒和壓力。 內地的義工隊則聯同當地政府部門、 租戶與相關行業專家,為女性開展 一系列豐富而輕鬆的活動,包括理療 瑜伽、手沖咖啡、藝術插花等工作坊, 以及帶領一眾婦女參觀遊玩、觀賞 電影、拍攝形象照片等,讓她們放下 生活的煩惱,提升自身幸福感。 T his year, under the theme, “Caring for Women’s Physical and Mental Health” , more than 1,200 Hang Lung As One volunteers were led by members of Hang Lung management to participate in activities of the annual Hang Lung Nationwide Volunteer Day for over 7,300 underprivileged women and their children, to help them relax and relieve their daily work and family pressures. In Hong Kong, the previously scheduled activities for Nationwide Volunteer Day were postponed due to the impact of a record-breaking rainstorm. 100 women and children from the affected areas were invited to partake in a relaxing nature bathing activity at The Peak and enjoy a pleasant and delicious lunch at Peak Galleria, which aimed to alleviate some of their stress resulting from the rainstorm. Volunteer teams on the Mainland actively engaged local government departments, tenants, and relevant industry experts in conducting a series of enriching and relaxing activities for women, including workshops on physiotherapy yoga, pour-over coffee and flower arrangement, excursions, movie watching, photo shoots, and more, giving them the opportunity to let go of their worries and enhance their happiness. 在無錫,恒隆一心義工帶領外 來勞工婦女及其子女到無錫融 創海世界遊玩,營造悠閒的親 子時光 In Wuxi, the Hang Lung As One volunteers led female migrant workers and their children to the Wuxi Sunac Ocean Park, offering a relaxed atmosphere for some parent- child time 恒隆地產首席財務 總 監趙家駒先生和一眾香港恒隆一心義工與 100 位婦女及其子女於山頂參與大自然療癒體驗 Mr. Kenneth Chiu, Chief Financial Officer of Hang Lung Properties, and the Hang Lung As One volunteers in Hong Kong took part in a nature bathing activity at The Peak along with 100 women and their children 16 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 12 2023 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y