Connections Dec 2023 TC

梁辰楷 Ken Leung 2016 年恒隆數學獎金獎得主 2016 HLMA Gold Award winner 數 學,在他們眼中,從來不是一個深奧沉重的課題, 而是讓人着迷的藝術。 梁辰楷和白致遠, 2016 年及 2018 年恒隆數學獎金獎得主, 兩人皆因參賽體會到數研之樂,決心投身研究領域, 並期望自己的研究成果能啟發年輕一代。梁辰楷現時在 加拿大蒙特利爾大學修讀數學博士課程,研究解析數論; 白致遠則以一級榮譽畢業於英國劍橋大學數學系,目前於 美國耶魯大學修讀數學博士課程,專注於代數幾何方面的 研究。 人們常說,學術研究之路障礙重重,就如在黑暗中探索, 往往不知道研究方向是否正確,也不知道有多漫長,甚至 到最後是否能得出結論。到底要有多鍾愛,才會讓兩名 年輕人願意投身數學領域?他們又如何在屢戰屢敗、屢敗 屢戰的過程中,樂此不疲,繼續前行? 白致遠 David Bai 2018 年恒隆數學獎金獎得主 2018 HLMA Gold Award winner 足本版訪問內容 Full interview 在數學旅程中,最激發我的 動力源於發掘新穎又原創的事物 的神奇時刻。 What pushed me most in my mathematical journey is the joy of discovery – the magic moments of unveiling something new and original. F or Ken Leung and David Bai, mathematics is never an enigma laden with mystery, but an art form filled with intrigue. The 2016 and 2018 HLMA Gold Award winners discovered the joy of mathematics research during their HLMA journey, and have since aspired to pursue a career in research, with the hope that their research results can inspire the next generation. Ken is currently working towards a PhD in Mathematics at the University of Montréal with a specialization in analytic number theory. David graduated with First Class Honors in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, and is now doing a PhD in Mathematics and conducting research on algebraic geometry at Yale University. The process of research can be strewn with obstacles and is often likened to navigating in the dark: researchers constantly wonder if they are headed in the right direction, how much further they have to go, or if their paths will lead to anything fruitful at all. In the case of Ken and David, how did their enthusiasm for mathematics drive them to devote themselves to mathematics at such a young age? How did they find the motivation and energy to overcome all kinds of obstacles and keep going? 醉心數學 投身數研 滿懷信心 堅定前行 A Journey from Mathematics Enthusiasts to Confident Researchers 數學之所以吸引我,在於它所 蘊含的深邃之美。 The driving force behind my passionate pursuit of mathematics lies in the profound beauty it encapsulates. 17 可 持 續 發 展 S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y