Connections Dec 2023 TC
service model, elevate industry standards, and establish a new benchmark for luxury urban living. Mr. Herman Chui, Director – Office & Residence of Hang Lung Properties, emphasized that Grand Hyatt Residences Kunming is a collaborative effort between Hang Lung and global hospitality group, Hyatt, to further strengthen Hang Lung’s position as a leading national commercial property developer. As an integral component of Spring City 66, Grand Hyatt Residences Kunming brings together luxury retail, offices, hotels and dining, apartment residences, and integrated entertainment to create an open, diverse, and symbiotic urban lifestyle hub for local customers while promoting the sustainable development of Kunming’s consumer economy. Moreover, it deepens Hang Lung’s commitment to customer-centricity as it takes the lead in setting the “Pulse of the City”. 為了讓住客有更多的選擇,團隊也 制定了高定服務,在酒店提供的 衣食住行服務上做了一個昇華。 「酒店的客房打掃清潔可能只因應 一個房間的設施作整理,但我們會 加入居家環境的考慮,了解顧客的 生活習慣,再制定適切服務方案, 例如提供奢侈品護理,全屋收納和 衣櫥整理服務。」 Leo 指出,除照顧住客的日常起居, 也會細緻打點其他需要,「公寓的 空間有限,但我們可以利用公共 空間,為住客提供儲存服務,例如 雪茄、高爾夫球桿等,同時也會 提供寵物餵養及託管服務。」 對於高定服務的靈感啟發, Leo 笑指 恒隆的顧客是其中的草擬者,「這套 服務的內容其實是根據我們日常與 顧客群的交流聊天,及從他們的 消費習慣,從而定制出有關細節。」 城市脈動 「昆明君悅居」的建築設計融匯自然 美學風格,靈感來自雲南石林, 山景園林的特色錯落有致地刻印在 墻面線條上,勾勒出山川靈動的 氣韻,將當地的民俗之風和自然之 美細膩地融入設計中。此外,為了 讓住客有更一體化的體驗,項目也 無縫銜接及貫通昆明恒隆廣場, 一站式滿足購物、娛樂等需求。 H ang Lung is dedicated to transforming every area it touches into a desirable and livable community, exemplifying its vision of creating compelling spaces that enrich lives. Hang Lung’s first hotel-branded project, Grand Hyatt Residences Kunming, under its premium serviced residences brand, Hang Lung Residences, is scheduled to open in stages from 2024 onwards, which aims to pioneer a comprehensive 「昆明君悅居」是恒隆攜手凱悅酒店集團共同打造的都市 高端生活標桿之作 Grand Hyatt Residences Kunming is a flagship project jointly developed by Hang Lung and the Hyatt Hotel Group, setting a new benchmark for luxury urban living 4 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 12 2023 專 題 故 事 F E A T U R E S T O R Y
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