Connections Dec 2023 TC

恒 隆不斷致力引領時尚奢華的生活方式,兩家在滬的 商場―上海恒隆廣場及上海港匯恒隆廣場舉行 了全城矚目的年度主題活動,為顧客締造獨一無二的 購物體驗。 今年,上海恒隆廣場的「 HOME TO LUXURY 」盛裝派對 以「璀璨銀河」為主題,凝聚奢華、時尚、音樂與藝術的 無限創意,攜手逾百家全球知名品牌,呈現一場持續 三天的星際奇旅。為令顧客在消費時增添玩味,上海 恒隆廣場還獨具匠心地打造了眾多緊扣璀璨銀河主題的 互動裝置,而各大國際品牌也呼應派對主題,將品牌 文化與藝術完美融合,為顧客呈獻多達 200 款首發及限量 的奢華單品,提供尊崇備至的購物體驗。 作為上海的地標性購物商場,上海港匯恒隆廣場堅持 探索創新的運營模式,不斷引入前瞻的合作夥伴,革新 購物體驗。上海港匯恒隆廣場今年的慶典活動以 「 Gateway to Inspiration ―靈感炙熱」為主題,攜手 知名時尚媒體《智族 GQ 》共同打造了一場為期三天的秋日 美拉德盛宴。商場別出心裁地打造氛圍濃郁的美拉德 街區,定制了一份美拉德主題攻略,打卡、購物、遊玩 多元互動精彩體驗。 匠心打造周年活動 Star-studded Annual Parties Dazzle and Inspire H ang Lung prides itself in being a trailblazer in the world of the latest luxury lifestyle trends, curating unique experiences that engage the aspirations of our customers. Our annual parties at Plaza 66 and Gateway 66 are some of Shanghai’s most hotly anticipated events and this year proved no exception. At Plaza 66, this year’s “HOME TO LUXURY” Party was themed “Dazzling Galaxy” and brought together a constellation of our most esteemed tenants to celebrate the vibrant creativity of luxury fashion, music and artistry. The three-day party saw the theme brought to life with interactive installations throughout the mall, inviting the world’s most distinguished luxury brands to present their exclusive new releases and limited-edition items to create the most unique lifestyle and shopping experience for our customers. Grand Gateway 66 prides itself in being at the cutting edge of innovative shopping experiences that engage customers in unique ways. Celebrating with the theme “Gateway to Inspiration – Hottest Inspiration”, in collaboration with top lifestyle media outlet, GQ, this year’s party tapped the hot Maillard trend with three days of autumnal tones taking over the mall with an engaging guide to usher customers into experiencing the hottest new style that is sweeping the nation, as they check-in, shop, and enjoy. 7 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E 恒 隆 脈 搏 H L P U L S E 連 繫 恒 隆 CONNECTIONS 12 2023